Chapter 27

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Aramintha took a seat at the table. "Why am I here?"

Dean looked up, checking the table. "Not yet, Laurel isn't here."

A few seconds later, Laurel came strolling out of the kitchen, beer in hand. "I'm here!"

Dean reached out and snatched the beer from her as she passed him. "Thanks for getting me a beer, now take a seat so we can get started."

Her gaze went from her empty hand to the beer where it now sat on the table in front of Dean. "That was mine!"

"No it wasn't, you're not old enough to drink. Sit." He pointed to the chair on his left.

With a grumble, she took the seat. "Fine, here I am, sitting and ready for your stupid meeting."

"All right, we may have another chance at our werewolves."

"How so?" Sam asked.

"They hit a bar in the town near the hiking trails. Three women were last seen leaving the bar, a couple of days later they turned up in a ditch covered in bites."

"Werewolves usually don't just nibble on their prey," Sam reminded him.

"Their hearts were also missing," Dean added.

"Definitely werewolves," Sam said with a nod.

Dean nodded. "Aramintha, Sam, and I will stake out the bar and see if we can get them to nibble on our heavenly bait." He grinned and looked at Aramintha.

"Oh, har har, you are so funny."

He shrugged. "Whatever works."

Laurel raised her hand. "I should go."

"No, you're too young to be in a bar," Dean snapped.

She sat forward. "That's the point! I will be a tempting target, juvenile delinquent means no family to miss me, right?'

"You stay here, only three of us are going." He glanced at Wyatt. "You're in charge, if you need assistance or if someone," he switched his gaze to Laurel. "Decides to cause issues, get Noah."

"Why did you just very pointedly look at me?" Laurel asked.

Mintha snorted. "Because you are the most likely to cause a problem."

"Fine, whatever, I'll be in my room then." She stood and stomped from the room.

Dean's eyes went around the table. "Grab your gear and we leave in ten."

Mintha wagged her fingers. "I'm armed and dangerous all on my own, I don't need gear."

With a shake of his head, Dean stood and left the room, presumably to pack his own things. Sam stood as well.

Mintha glanced at Dale and Wyatt. "And what are you lovebirds going to do while we're gone?"

Dale glanced up from the items she was looking over. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Please, you two are any more obvious and Dean might even figure it out." She glanced at Wyatt who didn't even bother to look up.

"We have no idea what you're talking about," Dale said with a wholly false look of innocence.

Mintha grinned. "Fine play stupid." She stood and headed for the garage and the Impala.

Dean was already there, the trunk open. "Ready to go?"

With a sigh, she slipped into the back seat. "Yes, let's get this over with."

Sam walked past the car and tossed his bag into the trunk. "Ready, let's go."

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