Chapter 32

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Gabriel stepped back. "She should be good now, she's still going to need rest."

Stephanie leaned over Mintha, checking on her patient. "Thanks, Gabe."

"No problem, babe."

Stephanie's cheeks turned pink at his words. She stood. "Gabe's right, she needs rest, there's nothing else we can do for her."

Gabriel hooked his arm through Stephanie's and smiled. "Come along, we have a Quantum Leap marathon to finish."

Sam watched them go with a shake of his head. Wyatt was fussing over Mintha's covers, making certain they were just right. "The blankets are fine, Wyatt, let her be."

He looked up at Sam, anguish coloring his features a dull gray color. "Are you sure? What if she dies?"

"She isn't going to die, you heard Gabriel and Stephanie, she's going to heal just fine, she needs rest, let's let her be."

Noah stuck his head into the room with a frown. "Laurel tells me Mintha returned injured?"

Sam stepped out of his way. "Michael beat her pretty badly, Gabriel fixed her up." He placed a hand on the angel's shoulder. "She's going to be fine." He ushered Wyatt from the room, figuring Noah would want some time alone with Mintha.

Noah stepped to the side of the bed, frowning. "You stupid, stubborn angel," he grumbled.

She cracked an eye open. "Oh, hello Aramintha, I'm so glad you're all right. Does anything hurt, Aramintha? Can I get you another pillow, Aramintha?" she intoned sarcastically.

"Oh, you want me to be sympathetic, after I specifically told you it was a bad idea to go back to Heaven? You had to know that Michael would know about your absence, you were gone two entire days!"

She tried to shrug and failed, ending in a grimace. "It was worth a shot."

"No, Min, it wasn't. You gathered the information we needed, there was absolutely no need for you to go back. We both know that, but your stubborn brain refuses to acknowledge it! I am so sick of trying to talk you out of your idiotic schemes! Do you know how difficult it is for me not to worry about you all the time?"

She opened her mouth to speak but he rolled right over her.

"No, of course you don't, because you don't care. I started seeing a therapist, Mintha, a therapist! So I could deal with your stupidity."

"Hey ..."

"You do not get to 'hey' me. I've stood by your side for a damn long time, it's time you started thinking about others." He dragged a hand over his face. "Min, you are my best friend and I would do anything for you, but this penchant you have for picking the most dangerous thing you can find needs to stop."

She sighed and nodded. "I'm sorry, Noah, I didn't realize how much my choices affected you. I thought what I did, I did on my own."

He shook his head. "Really? Who was there to patch you up after every car accident when you were rum running? Or when you and Stephanie decided going to war would be fun."

"Hey, both times that was Stephanie's idea, I just went along to keep her company and the first time, we were nowhere near the front lines. We were at a military hospital, we were nurses."

"And the second time you decided nursing wasn't for you and instead you were a pilot."

"Yeah, okay, you got me on that one."

"Look, I understand you're a little bored with things, but I like you much better alive and healthy than like this." He waved a hand at her prone form.

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