Chapter 44

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Linq shifted in his seat. "She hasn't left the bunker."

"You're certain?"

Linq nodded vigorously. "We've been watching it night and day as you requested."

"She went and holed up in that damn place. Aramintha knows as long as I can't get to her she's safe."

"Um, can't you just ... ya know ... pop in?"

Michael stared across the desk at the angel. Linq was a good toady. He could bow and scrape like a professional. He wasn't exceptionally smart, however. The angel didn't have an original thought in his head. You had to place thoughts in his brain like you were programming a computer. Insert the program and tell the idiot what to do. The angel was slouched in the chair like a crumpled piece of old newspaper. On many occasions he knew Aramintha referred to Linq as a weasel. It fit. He was slim, with deep brown hair, a pointed nose and dark, beady little eyes.

He shook his head and answered Linq, "I can't, not anymore. She's done something to the warding. It takes a lot of effort to break through whatever she's done, the problem is before I make even a small dent in anything it blasts me to the other side of the planet. It doesn't matter how quickly I get back, I have to start all over again. Aramintha is clever, she always has been."

"There's no possible way in?"

Michael shook his head. "None. It won't matter in the end, Aramintha may be clever but I have the power and power will win over clever any day."

"Uh, sir ... if Aramintha has your lance ..." He broke off with a shrug.

"She can't use it unless she leaves that blasted bunker. With my angels watching it I'll know the second she steps foot outside and when she does I'll be there to grab her before she can get to the lance, wherever she's stashed it. We'll see how clever she remains when she's spent some time in Heaven's dungeons."

"Yes, sir."

"Go back and let me know the second anything changes." Michael waved a hand toward the door.

Linq stood, bowed and left the room.


Mintha watched Noah. "You're up to something."

"This is the greeting I get? I brought you cupcakes!"

She eyed the chocolate cupcakes. "Yes you did and the only time you ever bake me cupcakes is when you're up to something. It's your pre-apology for whatever you're going to do."

He looked appalled by the accusation. "That's not true."

"Is." She sifted through the pile of papers spread around her on the bed.

"What exactly have you been doing in here?" His eyes went around the room. Papers were taped and tacked to the walls. They were scattered over every surface in haphazard little piles around the room. It looked as if a library had exploded in her room. Wyatt would have a heart attack if he saw it. The prophet didn't like disorganization.

"Research," she mumbled as she read the paper in her hand.

"Research on what?" He picked up a piece of paper but he had no idea what it said. The scribblings made no sense to him.

She snatched it back from him with a scowl. "Don't touch, you'll get them all out of order!"

"Out of order?" His eyes swept the room. "This is order?"

"Yes, can't you see it?"

"No. It's a mess in here."

"You see mess, I see everything exactly where it needs to be for me to find it," she muttered as she sorted through a stack.

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