Chapter 39

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Aramintha stood beside the table. "All right, let's hope this works." She placed the paper with the sigil on it on the edge of the table. "Laurel." She gestured to the paper.

"Why me?" She flapped a hand at Wyatt. "He's the one who bled on the damn thing."

Mintha sighed. "Right." She motioned Wyatt over.

"No!" He backed away from her. "I don't wanna bleed!"

Mintha rolled her eyes, grasped his arm, her angel blade appearing in her hand. Wyatt struggled wildly, yelling. She tapped a finger against the center of his forehead and he dropped to the floor.

Dale yelled and ran to his side. "What did you do?"

"He's fine, just taking a little nap." She bent and pricked one of his fingers with the tip of her blade. "Laurel, bring the sigil here."

With a nod, she brought the paper to the floor and Mintha let the blood from Wyatt's finger drip onto the paper.

There was a bright flash and Mintha stood.

"Please let us be back," Laurel murmured.

"Hey, where ya been? I'm bored."

Mintha turned with a sigh. "Hello, Lucifer."

Dean spun and ran from the room.

Dale grinned. "Guess he's going to find his baby."

Everyone laughed.

Mintha crumpled the paper.

Laurel held up the original one. "Looks like this one is still here."

Mintha snatched it and crushed it. "I'm going to burn these." She turned away, stopped and looked back at Laurel. "Do not under any circumstances draw that damn thing again."

Laurel held up her hands. "I swear I won't!"

Mintha snorted and left the room.

"Helllllo, I'm bored, who's going to do something about it?" Lucifer whined.

Laurel grinned at him. "Wanna play some poker?"

"You seriously want to play poker with the devil?" Dale asked with a snort.

Laurel shrugged. "Why not?"

Wyatt groaned and rolled to his side, sitting up.

With a sigh, Dale dropped to her knees beside him. "Wyatt? You okay?"

"What happened?" he asked as he sat up.

"We're home," she told him.

"Oh, okay, that's nice. I think I need a lie down."

Dale helped him to his feet. She looked at Laurel. "I suggest you do not play poker with Lucifer."

Laurel waited until Dale and Wyatt were gone to turn and look at Lucifer. "So, we doing this?"

"Yes, of course."

"I'll fetch us something to use as currency. Go find some cards."

"All ready on it." Lucifer turned and left the room.

They both came back in a few minutes and sat down at the table. Lucifer tossed the cards on to the table.

Laurel placed a bowl full of popcorn between them on the table. "Both snack and currency," she told him with a grin.

"What, no cash?" Lucifer asked.

"I'm not stupid, playing for cash with you would be a bad idea."

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