Chapter 46

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I felt terrible about doing it, but I knew she wouldn't sleep unless I did. The only thing that would stop her would be collapsing when her body finally gave up. I wasn't planning to do so at first but the Benadryl tablets were there next to the Advil. I almost decided against it, knowing she'd be mad but finally decided to take the chance. I'm more worried about her health than her anger towards me right now.

I ground up two tablets and stirred them into the water. When she drank the whole glass I felt a sense of relief come over me, just a little while longer and she'll be asleep. I felt horrible when she realized what I did, but she didn't seem angry, just accepted it. She was more scared about her dreams than anything else, but I needed her to sleep. She needed herself to sleep.

I slowly opened my eyes and took in my surroundings, remembering where I was, and finally...why I was there. A wave of sadness and fear came over me as I remembered the event from merely hours before. Sky's heart had stopped beating. She died. 

I had to drag Brooke out of the hospital room kicking and screaming about her sister. But I knew what I had to do. I had to be there for Brooke, and she'd only hurt herself or someone else if she stayed in that room. I remember holding her on the floor of the hospital, her sobs echoing around the ward. I remember my heart shattering over the sound. She was full of so much fear and despair and I had no idea what to do to make it better. 

I winced and sat up, my joints were stiff, which told me I'd been asleep for hours. To my surprise Brooke was still asleep. She looked almost peaceful as she laid there, but it seemed pain was permanently etched into her face now. I pushed her hair back, not knowing what else to do to comfort her. 

I got out of bed to check our phones. The first thing I noticed was that it was almost 4 in the afternoon. Jeez. The second thing I noticed was that I had several texts from Sam and Jake, even a few from Kat asking why Brooke wasn't answering. I quickly checked Brooke's phone.

Nothing from her dad or the hospital, but Kat had called several times and even more so with texts. I stepped out of the room quickly and called Sam, I figured he was the best option right now.

"Colby!" Sam answered. "Holy crap, you've been offline for hours."

"Sorry," I answered, exhaustion spilling from my voice. "Brooke and I have been asleep all day. We didn't get back to the house until almost 8. We didn't get a wink of sleep before that."

"Damn...rough night then?" He asked. 

My heart clenched. "Sam..."

"You alright?"

"Sky's heart stopped last night."

The other end went quiet. I hadn't said it out loud yet, it was more painful saying it then just thinking it. 

"Oh my god, Colby..." Sam finally spoke, pain dripping from every word.

I felt tears forming in my eyes again, I don't think I've cried this much such I was a little kid. I didn't know what to think or feel. I love Sky like a little sister so it's hard seeing her like this, but what was really getting to me was the helplessness I felt with Brooke. I had no idea how to comfort her, I'm watching her fall apart and I don't know what to do.

"Sam," My voice broke. "I don't know what to do man."

"Talk to me, bro," He encouraged.

"I'm so scared for Sky, but I know I have to be there for Brooke," I started, my voice shaking with every word. "But nothing I do is helping. I had to grind up Benadryl and mix into water to get her to sleep. She just wouldn't...stop. She was pushing every limit of her body trying to keep her mind off of everything," I took a breath. "I was scared she was going to collapse. She was so exhausted mentally, physically, emotionally. She's shattering in front of me and I don't know what to do."

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