Chapter 15

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After the fiasco that happened with my "friends", the trip went very well. I recorded a couple videos worth of content with my sister. We did a sister vs. sister challenge, which Colby helped record, he also gave the challenges we were asked to do by the subs. She also agreed to a Q&A which cost me another meal for her afterwards. Sky seemed to have a lot of fun though--I know I did. 

I talked to dad about the things I've been struggling with when mom died. He was quiet and let me get everything off my chest, I explained the guilt, and remorse I felt for what happened. Dad cried when I finished and hugged me, telling me how much he loves me, and that he never blamed me for what happened to my mom. He told me that no matter what, mom never would have blamed me either. Although, I was happy with telling my dad about my feelings, somehow him not blaming me...made me feel worse, but I didn't tell him that part. 

I cried when I said bye to my dad and sister, and my sister smacked me telling me that I can't cry cause it makes it seem like we're saying goodbye forever, which is very incorrect. That made me laugh. 

Sam picked Colby and I up from the airport and took us home, dropping me off first at my apartment. I crashed for a few hours and woke up to Colby calling me, asking me if I wanted to tell our friends about my situation. We talked about the pros and cons of it a bit, and I finally agreed that it was better for me to get everything out, and inform them of what I'm going through, so they aren't surprised by it if it happens to come up in conversation one day. Plus, I felt like I really had to tell Kat, especially with how suspicious she's been of my "friends". 

I got up and got dressed, then grabbed my keys and left for Colby's place. My whole body felt like jello after the flight and the 4 hour nap, my hands and the tip of my nose was cold because of how exhausted I was. It got to the point that my jaw started to ache, signifying the start of a headache. I had a feeling I'd be crashing at Colby's for the night.

I finally arrived and vigorously rang Colby's doorbell since he locked his apartment for once in his life. Colby answered and let me inside, where Corey, Devyn, Jake, Tara, Kat, and Sam were waiting. I sat down on the chair in the corner, and tucked my knees to my chest, feeling more drowsy by the minute.

"So what's this about?" Sam asked Colby, as he walked back over.

Colby sat down and glanced up at me. "Something...happened while we were in Washington. I talked to Brooke about it, seeing if she wanted to tell you guys about some stuff."

I nodded. "I felt like I should. I've kept a lot from you guys, and I want to just put everything out on the table and be completely open and honest with stuff I've dealt with." They all got very quiet as if scared to say anything out of line.

"Well, we're all ears," Kat spoke up. "Whatever you have to say we're ready to listen."

I smiled at her. "Thanks Kat..."

Colby sat down carefully next to Jake. "Don't be pressured to say everything if you don't want to, alright? Whenever you're ready to stop, just say."

I nodded, then took a break and started my story. I explained my mom's death, and the guilt I have from what happened that I've been bearing since my junior year. I then got into how I met Trina, Opal, and Lyla, and the relationship I had with them. I explained everything I could with my exhausted state. The group never said anything, just listened intently, nodding every once in a while to show they understood.

When I finished they still didn't speak, just seemed to be taking everything in. Colby was watching them for a reaction, while I sat there, with the hood of my hoodie over my head, trying not to fall asleep where I sat. I looked up when Jake sat up, putting his hands together and looked at me.

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