Chapter 40

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Colby stiffened at her name and leaned in to listen to the conversation.

"You're going to regret this," she snarled.

"I don't regret anything," I told her calmly. "For once I'm making a decision without you trying to dictate it."

"After everything we've done for you-"

"Like making me feel like shit about myself? Or using my weaknesses against me? Telling me every day that I wasn't worth anything and I was lucky to have you guys in my life because no one else would accept a screw up like me?" I yelled into the phone. "Guess what sweet pea, I'm not a puppet. Or a robot. Or a pet. I'm just as human as you are I have the ability to tell you to leave me alone and make you do something instead."

"You better start posting videos again. You better start mentioning us, you better start reminding yourself who got you this far," her voice was threatening, but I didn't feel threatened.

"In case you didn't actually watch the video, Trina, I'm okay with not posting videos again. I never wanted to to begin with. This was your idea, I would have been happy not going to YouTube. Your threats don't work anymore, Trina. You, Opal, and Lyla are cornered. Good luck dealing with the angry fans," I said sweetly then hung up the phone. She tried to call me again but I blocked the number.

I got a slow clap from Tara after the fiasco was over and I looked up at her in confusion. 

"Well said my friend," She smirked. "You told her what for."

I shrugged. "She deserved it." I tossed my phone onto the couch and stretched my arms over my head.

"Well, I should go home and study," I sighed. I felt kind of bad, I've been spending a lot of time on my studies lately and not spending a lot of time with my friends and Colby. 

"Wanna study here?" Colby asked, hopefully.

"I would but my stuff is at my apartment," I answered. "You can come over if you want though."

Tara's arm went around my neck and she pulled on me. I yelped in surprise when she did and stumbled a bit. She laughed.

"Honey you're working too hard, you need to let loose a bit. Maybe we should get our friends and go celebrate you and Colby standing up against these girls."

"Uh, I'm underage," I told her, causing her to laugh more.

"So am I! I mean let's go have fun! Get dinner, play mini golf, lazer tag, let's go have fun!" She shook me a bit and I giggled a bit when she did.

"Yeah! Let's do it!" Jake grinned. "It's been a while since we've all gone out together as a group."

"I'm down, it could be fun," Sam smiled. "I'll text Kat."

Colby shoved Tara off of me, forcing her into Jake who laughed. 

"Colby!" She accused. He only laughed then put his arm around me and smiled.

"What do you think? Wanna go have some fun?" 

I mulled it over a bit. On the one hand I wanted to study a bit before the exam, but it's not for another 2 months. I have plenty of time between now and then, and Jake's right--we haven't spent  a lot of time together as a group. This is a big thing--Colby and I leaving social media--and it's a good thing so of course we should celebrate. 

I sighed with a smile. "Alright, let's do it. What time?"


"Is this really necessary?" I asked Kat who was fussing with my hair. Tara smacked my leg for squirming, she was trying to do my eyeliner. 

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