Chapter 32

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Thank you all so much for 100 votes! That's absolutely insane to me, I could never imagine that people would enjoy my story this much. Thanks so much for all the support you all have shown, I hope you continue to show that support <3


Dinner was incredible. Lesa is apparently an even better cook than Colby gave her credit for. Don't get me wrong he always said she was a good cook but I didn't realize HOW good she really was--Colby failed to mention she was better than most people I know.

I helped Lesa with making dinner, and she was happy to let me, saying she appreciated the help. Colby and Gage sat at their PS4 playing video games, I wasn't sure which one, but from what I heard--and from knowing Colby--I guessed it was Kingdom Hearts.

Dinner was pretty simple, but filling. Chicken, vegetables, and rolls. The rolls were home made, and very delicious. Probably the best rolls I'd had in a while. I sat next to Colby during dinner, while we talked about the weekend and plans we had. Apparently we're going to have Sam and his family over for dinner our last night here. It's gonna be like a little dinner party. I offered to help cook again, to which Lesa thanked me.

"So where did you learn to cook, Brooke?" Lesa asked me.

"Uh, my mom actually," I smiled at her as I finished my plate. She smiled.

"She's taught you well, I'm surprised with your abilities."

"Thanks. I wish she could have taught me more," I said softly, looking at my plate. Lesa's head shot up when I said that. Colby's hand went to my knee reassuringly.

"What do you mean, dear?" Layne asked. All eyes were on me and I chewed my lip nervously, debating whether to tell them or not.

"Hey," Colby whispered next to me. "You don't have to tell them."

"No it's okay," I smiled at him then looked at Layne and Lesa. "My mom died my Junior year in high school. She was killed in a car accident."

Lesa dropped her fork and covered her mouth. "Oh my god, Brooke. I'm so sorry I had no idea-"

"No, no!" I stopped her. "It's okay. Really." Colby's hand slipped into mine under the table as I spoke.

"A car accident?" Layne asked, confirming what I said.

I nodded. "She um," I cleared my throat of the lump forming. "She was drunk when it happened. She was at fault for the accident. The other person involved was okay but she...she lost her life at the scene." I took a shaky breath and picked at my leggings a bit.

"Oh honey," Lesa whispered. "Why didn't you tell us?"

I shook my head. "It's not easy to talk about yet."

"Do you want us to drop the topic?" Colby asked, leaning into me. He's encouraged me a lot during my therapy sessions. My therapist told me that if I learned to talk about it, then it'll get easier to cope with, to accept what happened and move on. My biggest issue is opening up, which is what I've been working on with Colby, who's been encouraging me to talk about it when it upsets me.

"No, we can talk about it if you guys want to," I looked at Colby's parents. "I'm okay." Colby's hand squeezed mine, as if he was reminding me that's with me. I felt a sense of relief wash over me at the gesture.

"What do you want to know?" I asked them.

Lesa hesitated a moment. "Do you know why she was drunk by herself? I imagined your father would have been there..."

I chewed on my lips nervously again before speaking. "That was my fault."

"Brooke-" Colby started.

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