Chapter 28

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I squinted against the sunlight that poured into my bedroom. 

Crap what time is it. 

I quickly reached for my phone and checked the time and was relieved to see it was only 8 am. I put my phone down and rubbed my face. My hair still felt a little damp from my shower last night, but nothing I couldn't work with.

I looked next to me and was surprised to see Brooke wasn't there, so I decided to get up and go see where she was. I pulled on a shirt real quick and walked out of my bedroom, and the smell of pancakes hit me.

"Brooke?" I asked, walking into the kitchen. She was in there, taking a pancake out of the pan she was cooking with, and put it on a plate, that now had 3 pancakes on it. She turned when she heard me and smiled.

"Morning, baby," She greeted warmly.

I rubbed my eyes. "What's all this?"

"I felt bad after last night and wanted to make it up to you," She explained, pouring the last of the batter into the pan.

"Make it up to me?" I wondered, walking over to her.

"Night time makes my emotions hit harder, though you were right with everything you said, it's hard to calm me in that state," She said. "But I guess, I wanted to apologize, and also thank you for your help, and the only thing I could think of was pancakes."

I chuckled, wrapping my arms around her and kissing her cheek. "Well, I appreciate it. These smell great."

"It's a family recipe, I hope you like them."

"Oh trust me I will," I said confidently, planting another kiss on her cheek before removing myself from her so she could focus on cooking and not burning herself.

"How long have you been up?" I asked.

"I woke up at 6, but didn't get out of bed until 6:30. I tried to go back to sleep but realized it wasn't going to happen. That's when I got the idea to make pancakes, and thankfully you had everything I needed...surprisingly."

"You could have woke me up if you weren't sleeping well," I told her, ignoring her comment. She shook her head.

"No, I wanted you to sleep."

I rolled my eyes and leaned against the sink, watching as she removed the pancake from the pan and placed it on the other stack of pancakes. She then turned the stove off and dropped some of the dishes she used into the sink, waiting for the pan to cool off.

When it did, she placed it in the sink to soak a bit and grabbed the two plates and handed one to me. I thanked her and we sat down on the couch together, she already poured syrup over them and handed me a fork and knife. I didn't use the knife though, just cut into them with my fork.

And they tasted heavenly, whatever this family recipe was, it was good. I shoveled my serving into my mouth while Brooke watched me, giggling at my excitement.

"Damn, Brooke," I chuckled when I finished. "That wasn't half bad."

"Why thank you," She grinned as she finished her plate as well.

"Well, I feel great right before a flight."

"Which, speaking of, leaves in a couple hours. What time do we need to leave if we have to be at the airport by 11?" She asked.

"10 probably. So we have time to get there and get through security."

"Gotcha, did you switch the laundry?" 

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