Chapter 31

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My eyes popped open and I looked around, remembering where I was for a minute. I reached under my pillow finding my phone and pulling it out, careful not to wake Brooke. It was about 2:30pm now, so I only slept a couple hours. I sighed and put my phone down looking down at Brooke's sleeping form. She had turned over at some point and was curled up against me, her head tucked under her chin. She had pulled a pillow down to rest under her head, and her hands were tucked up close to her chest. I looked at the necklace, cradling the rose-gold heart in my hand a moment. She wore it all the time, even when we weren't public yet, she just made sure it wasn't visible for the fans to see. I smiled looking at it--the fact that she always wore it told me how much she loved it. 

I carefully dropped the necklace, it slid to the side, resting against the pillow. I took my hand and gently moved her hair out of her face, resting my hand against the side of her face, my thumb running carefully over her cheek. She shifted a bit under my touch but showed no signs of waking up, but the corners of her mouth twitched slightly as if she was smiling. I smiled again, taking in how peaceful she looked. I love her so much.

I took in a breath and wrapped my arms around her carefully, holding her close a moment. I closed my eyes as her scent surrounded me, and I felt a wave of emotion cross me--specifically how much she feels like home. 

She shifted again, her hand going over my waist. I leaned back to look at her face, but she hadn't woken up still--the peaceful look was still there. I bent my head and pressed my lips to her forehead, before resting my chin on her head again. Her leg lifted and went over mine and I adjusted myself so we were more comfortable, holding her close to me. 

God, if I could always wake up like this I'd be the happiest man alive. 

My phone buzzed once, scaring me half to death. My jumping disturbed Brooke, so I froze until she relaxed again, before grabbing my phone to see who texted me.

Sam: Hey, have you thought about taking Brooke to the warehouse?

Me: I didn't actually, that's a good idea though

Sam: Even though it's haunted?

Me: I'll take her there during the day so it's less scary

Sam: For who? You or Brooke?

Me: Shut up

Sam: Lol, what are you two up to right now?

Me: We took a nap, Brooke's still asleep

Sam: I was just about to do that myself

Me: Take a nap with me?

Sam: Of course ;)

Me: Just give me a time and a place :*

Sam: Will do

I laughed softly and put my phone down.

I laid there with her for a while longer but realized an even bigger issue arising.

I really had to go to the bathroom.

I groaned, wanting to stay in bed a little longer with Brooke, but my bladder can only handle so much for a day. I had to get up without waking Brooke though. She's not a super heavy sleeper, but she's not a light sleeper either. She might wake up if I get up, which is what I'm trying to avoid.

I carefully removed my arms from around her, she made a few sounds that caused me to freeze and wait for her to relax again before moving. I sat up and moved her leg carefully off of mine, and placed it next to her other leg. Step 1 completed, untangle myself from her without waking her.

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