Chapter 10

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"What's up guys, it's Sam and Colby," Colby pointed to the camera, scaring us with his loud intro.

"And today," Sam chuckled nervously. "We're here with Brooke, Corey, and Jake. Say hello guys."

"Hey," Jake greeted plainly, then went back to looking at his phone.

Corey did a little dance then pointed at the camera. "Sup."

I waved excitedly. "Hey guys!"

"Today, we are exploring an abandoned hotel. This hotel has been abandoned for about," Colby looked at Sam for clarification as he spoke. "What? 30 years?"

"32, something around there," Sam laughed.

"It's been abandoned for 302 years," Colby exaggerated, before laughing. "Oh God I can already see how much Sam is gonna have to edit this."

"Thanks." Sam rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, this hotel has been abandoned for about 32 years. There wasn't a super big reason as to why it was abandoned except that it went out of business. We think it was because one of the bigger hotel chains got set up kind of near by. According to the website we looked at, this place was sorta of run down to begin with, and wasn't taken care of very well, so it went out of business," Colby explained.

"The place isn't super well guarded but there is a police officer that roams around in the evening so we have to watch out for him. We're also on a busy road which means we have to wait around until there's no cars before we can jump the fence and get in. Then it's a straight shot to the hotel itself. The website said once you're inside you're safe, the officer doesn't get close to the hotel, he just scans the road around the perimeter. So it's easy to get into, and should be pretty fun to see," Sam turned to us after he finished the description of the place. "Ready to go?"

"No, but I'm going anyways," Corey laughed. We all laughed too.

"Let's DO THIS," Jake yelled and Colby winced.

"Bro!" His voice was quieter but still full of the same energy. "We said be quiet!"

"Sorry bro, I forgot,"

I sighed and looked at the camera. "I'm the only girl in a group of 12 year old boys." They laughed when I said that.

It took around 20 minutes of just waiting around, but a gap in traffic finally came and we made a run for the fence. Colby jumped up over the fence first and Sam threw bags and camera over as well, Colby caught the bags and the camera and hid them behind the covered part of the fence while the rest of us got over.

"Brooke you're smaller, go!" Corey encouraged.

"I'm not that short!" I glared before climbing the fence swiftly and landing on the other side. Sam followed me once I was over and ran to Colby with the bags.

Jake climbed over but fell off the top of the fence, eating the dirt when he landed. I snorted but turned it into a cough as I ran to his aid. I helped him up and hid him behind the covered part of the fence.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Ow," He groaned quietly.

"Dude you frickin face planted the ground," Sam was laughing a bit now since Jake didn't seem injured.

"I KNOW, don't remind me," Jake chuckled rubbing the shoulder that hit the ground first.

"You sure you're okay bro?" Colby asked, putting his hand on Jake's good shoulder.

"Besides a sore shoulder and wounded pride I think I'm fine."

Corey jumped the fence last, landing smoothly and running over to where we were. He was making the sound of a kettle as he tried not to laugh too loudly at Jake's face plant.

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