Chapter 44

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We rushed to the waiting area my dad was in, I searched through the crowd of people before spotting dad, who had stood up and was hurrying over to me. I released Colby's hand and hugged my dad tight. My chest tightened again, as the anxiety took over.

"How is she?" I asked as we pulled away. He shook Colby's hand as he spoke.

"I'm not sure, she's out of surgery but they were in a rush for some reason and I didn't get answers to any of my questions," He said solemnly. I stumbled a bit when my head spun. If they were rushing her somewhere then that isn't good news, it means something is really wrong.

"Let's sit down," Colby spoke gently next to me, noticing the state I was in. We followed my dad where he was sitting a moment before. He sat down, and I sat across from him, Colby settling next to me. 

"Thanks for coming, Colby," Dad looked up at Colby who shrugged slightly.

"I was worried about Sky."

We waited there for what felt like an eternity. I watched the hallway as people walked passed. It was painful seeing nurses go by with children in wheelchairs or hospital beds. The children's hospital is depressing enough as it is, but even more so when your little sister is somewhere in there, her life in the hands of people you don't know. 

"Where's Sky's friend and her mom?" I asked dad suddenly, startling him from his half asleep state. He'd been here a while and I guess the exhaustion was setting in.

"Uh, Casey's mom is talking to the police about what happened, Casey is with her," He answered.

"They got out okay?" I asked. Dad nodded in response. I felt a flash of anger run through me, they got out okay but my sister is here fighting for her life?

I shook the thought from my head feeling guilt fill me instead, I shouldn't think like that. It's a good thing the two of them are okay. I bounced my leg anxiously, and ran my pointer finger over my thumb nail as questions continued to race through my head.

"What about the driver that hit them?"

Dad winced slightly. "Died on impact."

"Anyone else in the car with them?" 

Dad sighed. "Brooke, I know your nervous, I am too. Terrified. But-"

"Please just answer the question," I begged. Colby put a hand on my knee.

"Hey," His voice cut through my racing thoughts. "Let's go take a walk."

Dad gave Colby a grateful nod before turning to me. "Good idea, I'll wait here and call you if I hear anything about Sky."

"I don't want to go on a walk!" I argued. "I want to see Sky! I want to know what happened! Why you are you two fighting against me for that?"

"We aren't fighting you, honey," Dad leaned forward putting a hand on my other knee. "You're sitting here bouncing your leg, biting your nails, and throwing me rapid fire questions. You need to clear your head."

"No, I'm fine!" I insisted, looking to Colby. "Colby please."

He shook his head. "Babe you're unraveling. Let's go take a walk, we won't go far."

I was getting frustrated. Why are these two worrying about me when my sister is God knows where, probably scared, fighting for her life? I just want to know if she's okay! I want to know what happened at the accident! Why is that such an issue?

I pulled my knees up into my seat, crossing my arms. The two sighed and exchanged a look. I grit my teeth together, holding back what I wanted to say. 

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