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 Greg and Corrine had decided they wanted to nap and try out that king-sized bed in their guest room so Ruth and Stevie were downstairs with Eva, I Love Lucy playing on the TV. 

"So what is she like?" Ruth asks cradling the baby closely. 

"She's a great baby, rarely cries eats well. But, I don't think she likes me much," Stevie says sadly. 

"What?" Ruth asks.

"What did Lindsey tell you about my pregnancy?" Stevie asks 

"Just that she was conceived around New Year and you were due late September early October and it was a little girl and then he called a few days after his birthday and told me that she had come on October 2nd," Ruth explains. 

"I almost had an abortion. I um...I never wanted kids and I had an abortion back in 79. I mean, thinking about it now, my abortion in 79 was a scapegoat. I was knee-deep in drugs and she really wouldn't have had a good life with me and I didn't want to put her through that. I don't know if it was a girl or not, but I think it would have been and I named her Sara. Anyway, because I had never wanted kids I found out I was pregnant at a regular OBGYN appointment. Never even crossed my mind, but I panicked. I set up an abortion right then and there and I vowed not to tell Lindsey.  He found out though. They called for the reminder of the abortion and how I couldn't eat or drink anything and I wouldn't be able to drive after and neither Lindsey or I was at home so they left a message and Lindsey beat me to the answering machine. It was bad Ruth. Really bad, he stormed out of the house didn't speak to me for a week. But then the day of the abortion came. I was laid out on the table and everything and it's the procedure to start with an ultrasound and they have to explain what they're going to do. They did the ultrasound last and I was watching it on the screen and listening to her heartbeat I couldn't do it...I made them stop." Stevie explains tears welling up in her eyes. 

"And you think she hates you because of that." Ruth states.

"I do because she probably knows I didn't want her and I didn't really bond with her during the pregnancy at all, didn't really talk to her when she was in my stomach. She only lets me hold her when she's asleep or when she's being fed. When she's awake Lindsey can hold her and play with her all he wants but if I try it, she freaks out and cries." Stevie states looking at daughter's wide blue eyes staring up at Ruth checking her out. 

"Stevie you did plenty of bonding with her. You grew her. You fed her and made sure she was happy I'm sure that every time she kicked or moved you'd place your hand on your tummy. Lindsey told me that every time you'd be bombarded by the Paparazzi you'd close in around your stomach." Ruth points out.

"Yeah, but that doesn't...I don't know, I don't think she likes me." Stevie shakes her head. 

"Stevie, I've had three kids so I'm going to give you a little parenting advice...Babies smell fear. If you think like that, she's not going to respond well to you. But Stevie the bond between a mother and her child is something else. Here." Ruth says shifting Eva into her mother's arms. 

At first, Eva whines and starts kicking and wiggling but Ruth gives a look to Stevie and Stevie purses her lips, sighs, and shifts the baby. Stevie swings her legs up on the couch, fixes her skirt so nothing is showing and places her baby on her thighs. Stevie slowly raises her knees up so Eva's legs are in a sitting position against her stomach and her little bottom is sitting at the juncture of her hips. 

"Hello my little bear, what's going on huh?" Stevie asks grabbing Eva's hands and gently leaning over to kiss her little cheek. 

It was then that they heard the front door open and Lindsey talking. 

"Steph, where are you?" Lindsey calls. 

"In the living room dear." Ruth answers for Stevie who just smiles and goes back to talking to her baby and tickling her little belly. 

"Hey, mom." Lindsey comes in and hugs his mother. 

"Hi, baby." Ruth smiles. 

"No way..." Barbara says coming into the living room. 

"Hi mom, how was the flight and the ride?" Stevie questions.

"Fine...Ruth?" Barbara questions. Both Stevie and Lindsey lock eyes. 

"Barb...oh this is great." Ruth cheers going over to the other woman and hugging her.

"Am I missing something?" Jeff asks coming into the living room. 

"Yes dear, this is Barb Nicks. She used to live in San Francisco. If I remember correctly her husband is the president of greyhound. They lived in Chicago before they moved into our subdivision. Lindsey, you swam with her son Christopher in High School.  They were transferred back to Chicago in 1968. Their daughter stayed back and went to school though. I never connected that Stephanie Nicks was Stevie Nicks." Ruth laughs.

"And Buckingham didn't click with me either. Jeff's her manager for crying out loud. Anyway, Jess retired and we moved to Phoenix Arizona we've been there ever since." Barb smiles. 

"Well, it's good to see you." Ruth hugs her again as Jess appears. 

"Hi, daddy." Stevie smiles.

"Hi, Teedee...is that Rutheda Buckingham?" Jess asks taking her into his arms.

"Yes, how are you?" 

"I'm good. This is a happy accident isn't it." Jess laughs.

"It sure is." Ruth 

"Right, so where's this supposed granddaughter of mine?" Jess changes the subject. 

They didn't believe her at first when Stevie told them at Easter that she was having a baby, or when she was born and Stevie called them for that matter. 

"She's right here," Stevie says from her perch on the couch. 

Jess sighs but walks around the couch and sees the wiggly baby on his daughter's lap. "Barb she actually had a kid." 

"Really she did!" Barb gasps jogging around the couch. 

"Yes, because I would lie to you about having a kid." Stevie states. 

"Well, you never know dear. It could've been a sham I mean it was an arranged, publicity marriage." Barb sits next to her daughter. 

"Yes, but we've moved passed that." Stevie pulls her daughter up to lay on her chest and she falls onto her back.

"Well obviously if you had a baby." Jess states. 

Very quickly small hiccuping cries leave the little creature in her arms and Stevie sits up properly on the couch.

"Honey can you get me a bottle please." She looks to Lindsey. 

"Absolutely." He smiles leaving the room. 

"Well Teedee, are you at least happy?" Barbara questions.

"I am happy. I think the happiest moment of my life was when I caught her and brought her up to my chest. As of right now, I'm pleased to say that our small little family is complete." Stevie smiles as Lindsey comes in and hands her a bottle. 

He kisses Stevie's head as she brings the nipple up to her mouth. 

"So no more children are in the cards for you?" Ruth asks.

"All I'm going to say is I don't know. But right now, right now I think we're okay." Stevie smiles at Lindsey who grins back to her. 

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