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As the months rolled on, Lindsey was struggling. Halloween fell on a Thursday and despite Lindsey having to get up to go to work the next day Stevie still threw a major party. He ended up going to a motel that night and sleeping. Thanksgiving was spent totally separately, she flew to Arizona to be with her family and he drove up to San Francisco to be with his. But despite the problems they had been having Stevie had broken things off with Joe Walsh unbeknownst to anybody, and she was slowly starting to develop feelings for the man that lived down the hall from her. 

It was December 13th, and she was getting ready to go on tour and her day had been packed with meeting and promotion up the wazoo, and she was looking forward to laying on the couch with her husband watching some stupid Christmas Movie.  What she didn't expect was for her driver to pull up to a house with two extra cars in the driveway. A bubble of nerves filled her stomach as she walked into the house. Ginny came running into the rotunda from the kitchen as she was most likely eating dinner and started jumping on Stevie's legs. She scooped her into her arms and was heading for the kitchen when she heard a laugh come out of her husband that she hadn't heard before. She turned her head into the living room and her heart fell to the pit of her stomach, a burning jealousy washing over her. Sitting on the couch directly next to Lindsey was a woman who looked to be in her late twenties and she was heavily flirting with Lindsey. On the armchair was a woman around her age curled up with some files in her hands, she liked that one.

"Lindsey baby what do you think about this setup?" The one right next to him asks practically climbing onto his lap to show him a paper. Stevie didn't like that one bit.

"That looks much better Carol." Lindsey nods from his spot. Stevie lets Ginny loudly jump out of her arms and it draws the attention of every person in the room. 

"Hey Stevie, this is the other music teacher Christine McVie, and the art teacher Carol Ann Harris, we'll only be a few more minutes, we're planning the Christmas arts festival for next week," Lindsey announces not seeing the pain and jealousy behind Stevie's eyes. 

"You have a lovely house. I absolutely adore this furniture." Carol coos staring at Stevie intently almost like she was challenging her.

"Thanks, It was a lot of money." Stevie grits.

"I think I'm all set, and I do need to get home it's nearing nine. I'll see you at work on Monday. I hope you'll be there Stevie I'd love to get to know you better." Christine stands up and collects her things walking to the front door. 

"Planning on it," Stevie replies as Christine nods and walks out entirely. 

"Oh, you don't have to come. It was an arranged marriage the school doesn't expect anything out of you...even with your status." Carol narrows her eyes, running her hand along Lindsey's jawline, her eyes never leaving his face. She knows exactly what she's doing to the rockstar. 

"You told them?" Stevie crosses her arms.

"I only told Carol, Christine, and the gym teacher, Bob. They're my best friends and I didn't want to show up to school married and get in trouble for not inviting them. Christine would've never let it go." Lindsey explains. 

"I see." Stevie lowers her gaze, "Agh how much longer do you think you'll be?" 

"I don't know Steph. Christine's taken care of all of her things but Carol and I still have a ton of figuring to do." Lindsey states.

"Alright...I'll be upstairs then. I think Ginny went back to finish her food." Stevie sighs making her way up the stairs. 

When Stevie gets up to her room she shuts her door and it all just comes out. She doesn't know why she cries, she told herself she wasn't going to fall in love and that it would only be three years but she was falling in love, and she can tell that something clearly went on, or is going on, with the blonde and her husband downstairs. It's a stab in the heart and she can't stand it. She just plops down on her vanity and cries into her hands and throws her hairbrush against the wall. They've been married for four months...four months and she didn't think that she could fall in love with someone that fast. With Joe, it took damn near a year, Don Henley ten months. It was mind-boggling and she was struggling. She's not even kissed the man properly yet. They can't count their wedding kiss because that was a brief peck and she hit his chin not even his lips. 

When she's cleaned herself up, she changed into a short red silk nightgown and a matching robe and made her way downstairs and into the kitchen. Lindsey was writing something down on the counter and Stevie felt slightly sick to her stomach. 

"Oh, hey... I'm sorry about that, I should've told you they were coming over. Carol left about fifteen minutes ago...what's the matter?" He asks when he sees her sullen face.

"Nothing...it's nothing." She shakes her head opening the fridge and grabbing at a coke. 

"Do you want a hug?" He asks opening his arms. 

She gave a pursed smile and walks into his arms and he squeezes her tightly and she lets out a sigh against his chest. It felt so good and so protective that she wanted to just melt...or jump up and wrap her legs around his waist. 

"Did you want to go to school with me on Friday. It's a half-day, so I'm done at noon but I have to be back by four to help set up for the Christmas Arts Festival. I'm always on tree duty. Speaking of...we need to set up a Christmas tree." Lindsey looks at her.

"Yeah, I'd like that...maybe we could go to lunch between needing to be back at school, I'm looking forward to that concert...as for Christmas, I'm normally not home so I don't even have one." She shakes her head.

"Well, I'll be home for Christmas whether you are or not, so I would like one." Lindsey shrugs.

"We can get one, maybe we can go tomorrow. I'm...I'm going to be in Pheonix with my parents. I'd invite you but they weren't too happy about the arranged marriage in the first place so..." Stevie shrugs.

"I know, and that's okay. I don't mind spending Christmas by myself. My mom is going to her sister's house and both of my brothers are going to their wives' families. It' s not the first time and it won't be the last." Lindsey says. 

"Now I feel bad." She shakes her head laying it back down on his chest.

"Don't feel bad." He chuckles. 

"What's going on between you and Carol?" Stevie asks biting her lip. It was eating at her too much not to ask.

"Nothing, anymore. Carol and I did date about five-six years ago. She was a first-year teacher and I was her mentor...I started teaching in 74, she started in 79. I had been there for five years so I got to do the grunt work. That's how it always works. We found out very quickly that we just didn't work well together. We broke up about two years ago, but she's slightly clingy. She knows her boundaries though...why, are you jealous?" He rubs her back.

"N-No, but I would've...I would've felt really bad i-if Jeff made you break up with her to marry me." Stevie shrugs. 

"Did you break up with Joe to marry me?" Lindsey pulls away.

"Well, no but..." She trails off.

"I wouldn't have done it either," Lindsey replies.

"Do you...do you want to watch a movie with me?" Stevie asks grabbing her can of soda.

"Sure...it's Friday so what the hell." He shrugs looking at the twelve o'clock flashing on the stove. Stevie smiles and grabs his hand pulling him into the living room. 

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