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I sat up, shaking and hugging myself as I looked around the room. My whole body felt as though I slept on ice. My eyes hurt from crying in my sleep and my nose was running. Oh... not again.

When I finally calmed down and realised where I was, I grabbed my head and sighed, taking a deep breath.

//Just a dream... like always... just a dream... Stop feckin stressin' about it.//

I pulled the blanket that Jack bought me around me, trying to warm up and calm down but I couldn't stop shaking. Why am I always being haunted in my sleep? Why can't I just have one night to relax? Just one! Is that too much?!

I wiped away those fuckin traitors than ran down my cheeks as wind blew against my face. Looking over I found that the door to the balcony was open...

//I know that I closed it...//

With a weird feelin' in my gut I stood up and threw the blanket on my bed as I walked over to the door and looked around the room, whispering:

,,Dark. I swear to the devil if you are here I'll rip ye to fecking pieces."

Y/n was still sleeping in their bed, smiling so I sighed again.

//stop feckin' panicking. It's not your fault... I just had a nightmare haunt you. Nothing else.//

Cold winter air hit my back which made me shiver and hug myself.

,,T-this is terrible..."

But as soon as I turned around to close the door and I saw the nightsky...

Everything slowed down as I watched my breath form into a little cloud infront of me, quickly going with the wind... the wind, it changed. Now it wasn't harsh and scary... just a tingly feeling. Very soft wind that would've made anyone feel at home.


The sky was so beautiful. Like I had never seen before. Not even in all those nights on the roof... the rustling of the leaves were the only thing you could hear...

I got shook out of my trance when something touched my hand. I looked down and sighed after realising that it only was the kid holding my hand. They rubbed their eyes and I quickly picked them up, hugging them close.

,,Ye shouldn't be awake kid... come on I'll-... bring you inside..."

I would've done that but as soon as I looked at them and saw the way their eyes lit up as they stared at the sky made me stop. I gently placed a hand on their cheek and held them close to keep them warm. They closed their eyes and sighed a little before looking up at the sky again with a smile.

,,Ye like it too, huh?"

They nodded and hugged me which made me smile.

,,You're too cute..."

While shaking their head they pointed at me and smiled.

,,Can ye stop makin me feel good about myself?"

As an answer, they simply laughed...


But I wasn't the only one shocked. In fact they stopped too and smiled up at me.

,,Yer laughing!"

I couldn't do anything but giggle which made them continue smiling as well.

,,Alright. We'll sit here for a while. I'll keep ye safe and warm."

After going back inside and rolling them up in blankets we sat down outside with them on my lap, leaning against me. We laughed at some rats that were running around and I told some stupid jokes just to hear them laugh. The rest of the night was calm and silent as I stayed outside with them until they fell asleep.

,,Good night Y/N..."

I would've been so happy if I just could've closed my eyes but that fucking nightmare I had wont leave me the fuck alone! With a groan I grabbed my head and tried to just force myself to sleep. Suprise, suprise. It didn't work.

Deciding I had enough of it I stood up and walked to the door, carefully opening it so Y/N wouldn't wake up. I had to agree with myself on that the door not squeaking was really nice.

As soon as I closed the door I sighed and started to walk downstairs only to stop when I heard voices.

,,Are you guys sure I shouldn't wake up Anti?"

I gulped as I heard all of them mumble something, shushing Jack for talking too loud.

So much went through my head as I quietly walked down the stairs until the wall ended. With my back against the wall I hugged myself and leaned my head against it... listening... and what I heard... almost crushed the small piece of trust I had...

//Why can't anything go right? I shouldve just stayed asleep...//

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