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In the beginning,

Animals were just simple, four or two-legged, non-communicating, and simple-minded animals. Some were kept as companions for humans, while others roamed around free in their natural territories. 

But, one day, scientists carelessly spilled a chemical they were working on into the water. The chemical traveled to every body of water it could reach; rivers, ponds, lakes, and even the great oceans themselves. And without acknowledging the chemical that has entered their waters, the animals drank it all up. 

Then the chemical began to genetically mutate the animals' DNA. It gave them the same genetics as a human. Their bodies changed into human physiques; they had hands with fingers, grew legs and learned to walk with them, and they grew the same size as a human. Then they began to speak words, then form them into sentences, and finally, they began to converse with each other and humans. Not to mention their intelligence had also been enhanced. 

The humans were amazed at the new discovery. It spread worldwide that the animals we once knew of have become more human-like than ever before. 

Everything has changed since then. Our animals now wear clothes, have jobs, houses of their own, and are allowed to be married legally and have families. Lucky for us, humans and animals are able to co-operate with each other and live together in harmony. And there have been known to be animal/human couples out in the world too. 

Allow me to tell you their stories. 

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