Chapter 7: Dinner from Hell

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*Haydee's POV*

Dinner is torture, Andy doesn't recognize him but I do. How could he not recognize him?? Is he just ignoring him or does he really not see Michael Jackson waiting our table??

We are waiting on our drinks because we haven't decided what we want to eat yet?? Well. . . . . . . . let me rephrase that. I don't know what I want. I probably won't eat anything the way Michael's staring me down.

I'm looking down the menu scared out of my mind when he comes back with our drinks. Andy ordered red wine for us.

"Here you go guys, and do we need another minute sir?" Michael says to Andy.

"No I'm ready are you darling?" Andy looks to me

I'm not even going to look up at him "Yea I'm ready" hiding my face in the menu

"Ok I'll have the Rib-Eye Steak with mashed potatoes and gravy, plus I would like to add two sides of green beans please" Andy says handing Michael the menu

"Excellent choice sir," he grabs Andy's menu and smiles politely "And you bitch" he looks to me

"Excuse me" I shoot a look from my menu "Who are you calling a bitch" I throw my menu on the table.

"Babe calm down. No one said bitch" Andy says

"Andy your deaf if you didn't hear this jerk off call me a bitch" I say raising my voice

People start looking over in my direction

"Ma'am I would never say such a thing, I said and you ma'am" he says kindly looking at Andy.

"Whatever dick, I want the Ceasar Salad with no tomatos and make sure there's croutons with extra meat in it." I say throwing the menu at him and grabbing my glass..

He simply looks at me "As you wish, enjoy your drink" He smiles evily and walks away.

Andy grabs his glass and starts sipping, I look at mine for a minute because it looks kind of think.

"What's wrong hon?"

"Andy does my wine look thick to you?" I ask handing it to him

He grabs it and swirls it around "No love bug, it looks fine to me" He hands it back to me and continues drinking his.

I swirl it around, smell it then I take a big sip but then I just died in my chair because. . . . .I'm drinking. . . . . . . BLOOD..

I spit it out of my mouth and watch it fall out of my mouths and drip to the floor.

"Ahhhhhhh" I scream, Andy jumps up and pats my back.

"No I'm leaving, my wine is blood" I shout

I walk out and go get into the car.

I find a water bottle in the back, I grab it and wash my mouth with it to get that taste out. I spit it out on the pavement.

I'm wiping my mouth looking down until I see a shadow looking over me.

I slowly look up and see Michael smiling at me.

"What do you want" I say scared out of mind.

He doesn't say anything but continues to smile at me.

His eyes turn red and then I'm lost in a world, one not like any other.

I see fire and big flashing lights. I see blood, people being ripped apart limb from limb. I see......Donny, Diana and . . . . . . .  Brad. Their bodies lying helpless as he sucks their life away.

His eyes turn black as night and I'm released from his trance.

"Omg, you killed them. . . . Why??" I asked putting my hand over my mouth crying

"Because . . . . " he stops and looks deep into my eyes "We'll be in touch" then he jumps in the air and flies off.

I'm looking into the sky and seeing where he went. I can't believe this.

Andy finally comes outside with some bags in his hands "Hay what are you looking at?"

I slowly bring my head down and look at him "Andy?"

"What Hay? What's wrong?" He says bending down infront of me while I'm still inside the car.

"He is here Andy."

"Who Haydee"

"Michael Jackson"

"What?" Andy looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Andy I swear to you that Michael is here. He was out waiter and you didn't even notice him. He called me a bitch. The old lady says he is out to get me but I don't know why. He killed Diana, Donny and Brad. He had fangs and was wearing a black cape and black gloves. He's gonna come for me Andy." I say breathing out.

"Umm let me take you home" he says shutting my door and running to the drivers side and getting in.

"So you don't believe me?" I ask

"Baby I'm sorry but it sounds crazy. A man from 300 years ago is back to kill you and he killed Brad, Donny, and Diana. I highly doubt that babe." He says starting the car and driving off.

*20 minutes later*

We arrive in front of my house.

"Baby just go ahead inside and go to slepp and I'll call you later, ok?" He says kissing my cheek.

"Alright, but what's in the bag?"

"Oh the manager bagged up our food, he gave it to me for free. Because. . . . . .somehow. . . . . .blood was really in your wine." He says handing me my bag.

"See I told you, it was Michael who did it."

"Honey go to bed" he smacked my butt and went to his car and waited for me to go in.

I unlocked my door and waved him off. I placed my bag on the counter and went upstairs to take a quick shower.

* After shower*

I come back downstairs to see my bag of food is sitting on the table, open with a for and knife sitting next to it.

"Hello" I yell

I slowly walk up to the food and look at it.

It looks fine to me no tomatos with extra meat and croutons.

I get me a glass of water and walk back to the table to sit down and eat.

I say grace then spread the ceasar dressing over my salad, I dug my fork in and began eating.

"This is so good" I say moaning out loud.

I get a lot of meat on my fork and stuff it in my mouth.

As I went to start chewing, I feel like I just bit into a gushers.

I slowly open my mouth and something red oozes out my mouth. 

I look down and see blood in my box, I spit out what's in my mouth and I look to see a finger and an eye ball sitting in my box.

I scream at the top of my lungs, I run upstairs into the bathroom and run the sink water and brush my teeth.

I finish and look up at my mirror and see my reflection, "Omg this needs to stop" I say

"Yea it sure does" I turn around and see Michael standing there.

"Ahhh-" I start to scream but he backhands me and knocks me out. . . . . . . .

To be continued. . . . . . ..





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