Chapter 13 - The legend of Eden!

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The minotaurs roar ripped through the forest, I could feel the goosebumps forming on my skin just at the sound of its voice. I panicked, after all that talk I panicked! 

No matter how hard I tried I couldn't keep my hands steady, I trembled at the thought of this thing finding me. What should I do? Where should I go? My thoughts raced, theory after theory. 

"Come on Eden, get a grip." I panted out as I tried to force my hands steady again.

But just as I was gathering my thoughts, they all scattered at the hard stomps that were getting closer. I readied my arrow into bow and looked to my right. I could see the thing, hunched over and sniffing the air for me. He didn't see me yet. I took aim and relaxed, his eye. I still had a good look of his eyes.

I was gonna prove them all wrong right! Then I need to get my crap together right now! I pulled back on my bow and lined up my shot, I took a breath. Then I fired, and Bam! I got bullseye right into his eye!

The minotaur roared and keeled over, ramming its face into the dirt. He rubbed his face against the ground furiously, as he cried out. This was my chance.

I ran out from the tree quickly and circled around him, taking aim for his other eye. I figured he wouldn't notice fast enough, but let me tell you. That dude spun around as soon as I got on his left side, and bounded on me like the tank from left for dead. I barely reacted in time. 

I dived to the right and rolled to my feet, just barely dodgng the beasts attack. Guess were playing dark souls now… 

I spun around and faced him quickly. He was still riving a bit from the arrow, but he was facing me. There was a mountain a few meters away, guess that was my forest GPS going off. If I piss him off some more maybe I can get him to wild charge into the wall. 

I quickly took out my bow, and shot at him. I didn't even look to see if it hit im, I just turned around and ran.

"Didn't theseus teach you guys not to mess with us demigods!?" I teased as I trucked on. 

I could hear a roar coming from behind, then the hard stomps followed.

"Poop on his hood!

"Crakem him like a nut!"

"Smash him into a tree!"

"Chew on his pant leg!"

All the birds and the squirrels were crying out around me.

It was like a ghetto lion king… 

Soon I was upon the side of the mountain, the rock in the walls shined like a rainbow at the base, and grew darker and darker at the top. I instinctively knew that this mountain was somehow comprised of different minerals. I didn’t have time to analysis the rock, I could hear the beast bounding on me. I stayed perfectly still at the rock wall and waited, I listened to the heaviness of his feet. As soon as I heard him leap, I dove to the side again. 

It sounded like an earthquake had gone off, I rolled to my feet and turned to see shards and boulders from the side of the mountain crashing down on him like rain. I took out the sun arrow and went to aim it at him, this was my chance to bury him! 

Dust filled the area around him. I was debating in my head what would be the best point to fire at. However as soon as I thought I had something, he burst through the smoke and swung his big meaty arm at me. I didn't have time to react fast enough and he sent me flying. I bounced on the ground like sonic hitting a spike and crashed into a tree. The wind was knocked out of me and I desperately tried to catch my breath. Every part of me ached, it was like I got hit by a semi truck. That had steroids in its gasoline...

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