Chapter 38 - Link and Zelda

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"What's wrong with him.." I sighed.

I turned over my gift for Ellie, which was wrapped in banana leaves. It looked more like some fancy meal prep from Gorden Ramsay than a birthday present. Note to self, never let Acies wrap a gift again. I don't even know how he got a banana leaf in the first place!

My thoughts were silenced as I heard the door click open. I smiled seeing Ellie's father. He grinned ear to ear and stepped aside for me to enter, and I immediately started hearing music play. It was the ending of a rap song that immediately turned to BTS. Yeah, sounds like an Ellie playlist.

"Oh?! The Cammy player is back!?" Her father laughed.

"Oh yeah, back to remind you of Cammy supremacy!" I chuckled and stepped inside.

He shut the door behind me and then faced me again.

"I think I need to reeducate you on why Sakura is official best girl."

"Oh!? Is that a rematch I hear?"


He said while adjusting his square glasses.

"You got the new street fighter?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, and I already have the arcade sticks set up for it. It's downstairs with everyone else."

"Then what are we waiting for!" I cheered.

"Sadly I have to adult, so I'll be back in a few hours. By the way, do you know where Aden is? He needs to get it too."

I blinked a few times. Is he implying Aden isn't here?

"Uh, no I haven't seen him. I figured he'd beat me here." I chuckled.

"Ah I see, Ellie did mention he might be at the shop." He said and hurried off down the hall.

Then the aroma of cajun seasoning snagged my nose, and I quickly followed its trail. The aroma led me to the kitchen and my eyes grew wide. Along the counters was just a huge amount of food. One huge bowl of Cajun fried rice, rows of chicken and pineapple shish kabobs, eggrolls, bacon-wrapped shrimp, and a stupid amount of pizza from all different places.

Ellie's dad popped in and grabbed a slice from the papa John's box.

"Don't be shy, sodas are in the second fridge behind you." He said with a mouth full of pizza.

My head spun around like an owl as I tried to just take in everything. I've barely been able to afford a pack of Ramen, and now I have a feast!

I grabbed a big bowl from the cabinet, and pretty much grabbed everything. If I wasn't hurting after this, I didn't eat right. I opened the drink fridge and was reminded of how poor I really am. Each shelf had a drink type. The top shelf had dark soda, the middle shelf was light soda, the bottom shelf was juice. The shelves on the door had a bunch of different tea, and everything was name brand.

Maybe I should've taken that offer to live here...

I grabbed an apple juice and started to eat from the bowl. By shoving my face into it (who needs forks anyways). I ate as I walked down to the basement. The lights were a shade of blue and pink and the whole place really resembled an arcade. Arcade stations lined the walls, air hockey in the middle, and a pool table next to that. The place was full of people and Korean rap was playing in the background.

I continued to chew on my pizza and walked through the place. Some people gave me weird looks, but they didn't understand the struggle. So I didn't pay attention to them. I made my way to the back and found the V.R station, but still no Ellie.

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