Chapter Twenty

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It was the day before prom, and the atmosphere was pretty, cheesy. Ballots were giving their lasts shots voting on who's going to be prom king and queen. Tickets were still being sold by mind at the front desk for the late buyers. And from cheesy notes clung onto remote controlled cars to old school style with balloon shaped hearts, prom-posals were hitting their highest rate today. Of course, the guys quivered and the girls anticipated, but it was the day before prom like I'd mentioned and that was completely normal at Clasrison High. As for me, I'd joined the casual teens, not exactly waiting for a prom date at all on the contrary, in fact I wasn't awaiting anything. The hospital had released me earlier this morning with a minor warning that I need not to return to my learning habits till at least a week later. They said exposing yourself to overwhelming situations and overcrowded communities could overwhelm my brain and make the infirmary my home once again, so I wasn't exactly allowed to go to school and attended like any other.

Granted I wasn't repassing any laws, I'd come to school to speak with Mrs. Anne. I couldn't quite sleep in peace, for in my mind it had boggled me the way things rested between me and my teacher. I wanted to apologize and stop her from grading that piece of garbage, and instead give her a much more pleasing and acceptable one that I could receive an A for in its place.

I couldn't bring home a paper that was lower than an A. It was just very discourteous. I had to bring something much higher than average, otherwise to my parents I wasn't a Princeton. I was just Sadie. Yet I knew convincing Mrs. Anne to give me an A for a paper that had little to zero to do with the subject itself would be rather hard and challenging, but 'id crossed my fingers I could at least reach towards a compromise. Volunteer work would possibly do it.

"Is Mrs. Anne on her way Mrs. Greenwood?" I questioned the receptionist, who had been vigorously typing away across the keyboard of her desktop. Nodding, she pushed down her glasses. "A good minute" She explains, giving me a butterfly in my gut, because of fear. What would I say, once she arrived? What if she changes her mind, and decides to swat me away, as I would be a waste of her time since I'd completely embarrassed myself in front of everyone with that hideous paper. But what were the odds?

So, I'd sat impatiently waiting for Mrs. Anne's face to show up in the main office. The receptionist had told me to wait, and I was waiting with apprehension. I'd been anxious, not really interested in seeing or having to face anyone at this time. I'd worn low-profile today. Pumps pushed out for a pair of nice sneakers, my signature skirts shoved away for a pair of loose jeans, and a sun hat with black designer shades to top it off. I'd looked like. A celebrity out for a piece of fresh air, dressed up for paparazzi whether.

"Sadie" I turned away from the door and looked over at her, relieved to see my teacher, though I'd wished it were in better circumstances. I stood up and faced my English teacher of two years with none other than a handshake. Missing class was very unlike me, and I had felt like a delinquent yet I had no choice to face her this way.

"Mrs. Anne, I-

"How are you feeling Sadie? You'd given me a heart attack yesterday" She emphasizes her concern, and I couldn't even properly ingest her question. I was too keen to explain the situation on the assignment. Not if I was fine or not, clearly, I wasn't fine.

If I wasn't going to get that A, I wasn't going to be.

"Mrs. Anne I am very sorry for my paper I'd submitted yesterday. It was very not like of me, and it was also very rude. I assure you it was an accident and I will submit a new one and a much more revised version next week" I attempt to apologize to her, rumbling frantically as I'd shown her a paper I was currently working on. She smiled with pity and went through her folder that she brought along with her, when she'd entered the office.

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