Chapter Fourteen

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"It's good to see you again Mrs. Princeton" He tributes, filling up my documents for my daily checkup. Though, not being as annoyed as before, his isolated room, phony attitude and aggravating clock had still jumped on my nerves. However, Pep rally was over, though it was clearly a waste of time, I did have a lot of it.

If I had ever considered counseling a profession, things would be very different around here. For starters, there should always be a box-let me correct that-boxes of tissue during prom season. Secondly, analog clocks should not exist in rooms with OCD and anxiety patients, they can't handle that noise, and I would kindly write a proposal letter to get it removed, and hand over a much less noisy timer, a digital clock. And thirdly, everyone who dares to enter, deserves the right to appoint a lawyer in case of false accusations. Not mentioning anyone in particular, but it's happened before.

Counselling was another job on its own, and I'd just have to leave that to Mr. Newberry and his odd ways.

"I would return the saying, but that would be lying" I admit with cavalier look, deciding that taking a look at my freshly painted nails had been much more of value. But of course, we'd passed the boarders of courtesy, I had no intentions to give me civility for no use.

"You haven't had any seizures or accidents for almost a month, and you seem to be keeping up your grades on a constant increase, things to be good on the anxiety-meter. This is good news. I am impressed"

"Though to be fair, you did have that on check long before our sessions, but there is a plateau of some sort"

Hearing those words out loud from people who had once completely mistrusted me felt very pleasing. I understand that sometimes you may undermine my abilities to push right back up. To begin with, I wasn't even lurking on the cold murky grounds, it was a misunderstanding. They thought I was crazy, I said I wasn't, they didn't believe so, and he who claimed to have known it all to judge me was now bowing his head. I had understood that sometimes people forget that I am always right.

Primarily, Mr. Newberry. But there was always going to be that time of realization, and it is then they look up to you.

"Acknowledged" I nod, smiling proudly.

"I am glad I could be of help. So, I believe all is solved with that friend of yours?" he questions, trying to be very slick when he'd just complimented himself. If anyone is to thank for my progress it would be myself. For god's sake, he'd asked me if Jaxon would understand if I had told him to back up. This wasn't a sitcom, the script wasn't written, and Jaxon wasn't that dumb.

"Not my friend" I corrected him in a hum, closing my eyes to restrain myself from an internal war.

"Right sorry, your manipulative classmate that that you don't consider a mate?" He asks if he'd corrected it, as I nodded with approval that I had been much more pleased with this title of him than the earlier one.

"Yes. Things are well. I've handled it" I lie. Well it wasn't a complete lie, I'd made sure I was not behind Jaxon's tactics and he knew I was more experienced in the manipulating industry than anyone else, so if he'd tried to pull a massive move, he knew for sure it would backfire. But nothing Mr. Newberry needed to acknowledge.

He smiled very wide, completely bizarre, but probably an outcome of his assumption that he'd somehow miraculously saved my life.

"Well isn't this just great! Off you go to class now" He mentions shooing me out of his office, that I hadn't really wanted to enter anyway.

I had thought this was it. No more meetings. I could finally leave this office, and it really would be the last time I'd seen it. So, with a not-so heavy heart I'd picked up my bag, slowly standing up with Mr. Newberry still under approval, giving me indeed some last piece of closure that I was allowed to go. That this wasn't some sort of scam. I internally cheered pacing towards the door.

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