Chapter Ten

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Romeo and Juliet. What were they? Lovers? Desperate for love? Or just desperate for a fictional ideology? Shakespeare hadn't lived long enough to tell the tale, though I am pretty sure literature like this would have been written in the midst of a drunk evening while thinking of a significant other in your bed, who will eventually dump you over a petty breakfast at five in the morning the next day.

So why had I sat here contemplating over whether I should even continue this assignment? I couldn't analyze something I didn't believe in. I sigh slamming my forehead against my laptop screen. "This is pointless" I mutter getting off my desk, deciding I could work on it tomorrow morning with a cup of coffee in the local library that I work for on weekends.

Though I tired really hard not to let it hassle me, my earlier fight with Connor had left me a bit distraught. Nevertheless, he ought to not expect an apology from me. Because clearly it was all his fault, for not having been mature about my responsibilities. So theoretically, he should be apologizing to me.

I shook my thoughts, not wanting to ruin my busy evening with a bunch of conspiracy theories, it was just a small couple's fight-no biggie. Pep rally was in two days, so I could mope all I want after it, but now I would need to give Mindy a call, and see if we can arrange those posters for Monday morning.

My hands ruffled through my hair giving my troubled head a little soothing before I headed to the bathroom, for a quick break. I'd worn simply as pajamas. One side effect of my pills, included a series of heat waves at night. I particularly wasn't a fond of them. And so, I'd dressed with ease so not even a heat wave couldn't bother me as I wear a pair of pink shorts and a white tank top.


I was startled with the certain clatter.



I quickly had spun on my feet choosing to look over to where such noise came from. Though the nose was pretty aggravating, it didn't seem to becoming from any part of my room. Desks were still, bed was motionless, and my window-

Someone had been throwing pebbles against my window. With every clack, I'd seen my window transitioning towards shattered glass. Infuriated with whoever was trying to bother me at eight in the evening, I stuck my head against the window.

It was now just me, staring at a blank window. The pebbles had suddenly stopped, and it had gone hushed. Not a moment later I'd seen him tumbling his way towards the light that had come from behind my curtains. Gazing towards my house. He was wearing a white T-shirt and a pair of pajama pants and his hair had looked like he'd walked straight out of a tornado if there was one word that could describe this moment it would be, perplexed. He soon motioned his feet towardsthe garden, where he found me starting at him, in loath.

He was looking directly at me with a blank face. It felt almost awkward; since my window had still been closed whether he said anything I wouldn't be able to catch it. He smiled before opening his mouth to say a word. Me wondering what on earth he was doing, stood gazing at a mute Jaxon.

I sighed, hoping he'd just give up, proving I was indeed not interested in his charades game. But worry began to build in me as he again reached for a pebble to pitch against my window. "Hell no" I muttered, sliding my frame open.

"Jaxon!" I whisper yelled, the moment the cold breeze of a Friday evening hit my naked face.

Jaxon lowered his rock, and felt relieved as I'd given in. Clearly, he didn't know that my window had no insurance. Not that he would have any problem cashing out for it. Which I have no problem in making him do.

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