Chapter Four

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The Princeton residence was colossal. Consisting over five bed rooms, six bathrooms and three major kitchens, with only three attentive people.

It would make you think it were unnecessary, we were only three. What possible reason could have brought us to make such decision? I had no secrete siblings whatsoever, and no relatives willing to stay over.

My grandfather, Princeton Herald, was a general from a rather wealthy family. He'd worked with royalty and therefore had kept a name-as such-to very high standards that my father had wiggled into with his business, and that I have to keep during school. He built this house, the one I'd stepped foot in every morning and every afternoon. His family had much more members than ours had, and sometimes I'd imagine a bunch of kids and two parents hurdled up at the fire place, telling old tales with hot chicken potage. Unfortunately, the sensations that Princeton Herald had induced into the mansion no longer exists. But my Father refuses to think of it as a short coming. And I've grown to understand that silence and isolation had its own beauty.

"Mother, father I'm home" I repeat as I'd moved into the residence from the front door. Yet no one bothers to acknowledge as I had not even heard a response nor seen any of them.

I drop my umbrella against the hanger, and placed my bag by the living room door before entering the kitchen to see if anyone had been lurking there.

I could hear the rumbling of laughter followed by the clicking thuds of forks and knives and before I could predict-

"Oh" I spoke a bit to quickly before all faces turned towards me.

"Sadie, what took you so long?" My mother surprises me with too much enthusiasm to obtain a proper explanation. She tumbles off her dining seat and gives me a slight hug. "Be nice" she whispers firmly and let's go of me before introducing me to the family that is apparently dining with us today. Jaxon's family.

Of course, they were here, Mrs. Mills, Mr. Mills and him.

"I told you I'd be getting smoothies with the girls and Connor on my way home" I forcefully smiled at my mother and looked over at the table once more. My father conversed with Mr. Mills, and Mrs. Penelope was helping out my mother with the food. Jaxon sat in the middle giving a much rather wide smirk than usual.

He was much taller than me if he'd stood up, and had topped onto that with very dark auburn hair and faint grey eyes. Jaxon went to my school, he also lived next door (without my approval). His parents and mine did business together, so by default I'd have to be as nice as one can be.

At least publicly.

But the reality is, Jaxon is a vicious snake, and as much as I know no one's more poisonous than me, he was threatening to a certain degree.

"Hello, Sadie sweetie, why don't you come and take a seat. I am pretty sure you're very hungry after all the hard work you're doing at school" Mrs. Mills invites me to sit beside her son, and I hesitate to take her offer.

Jaxon scoffed. "Yeah, please take a seat. Your presence is very much needed, like in every other place" he mocks and I gape looking over at my mother who had given me the stink eye.

His greys eyes didn't look at anyone in particular, and probably didn't even think anyone even cared over his unnecessary rant. But I did. And I wasn't taking it.

"Jaxon, you do not say that. Sadie is your friend" His mother firmly states and he doesn't even bother to look at her. He groaned "Sorry" he muttered, obviously not sorry.

But for me, I had no patience. He wasn't my damn son; I was going to give this boy a piece of my mind. I was trying to keep it civil on the table, while apparently someone's childish side is nourishing.

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