Chapter Fifteen

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"Why don't we add it after giving it a little heat?" I rolled my eyes putting the test tubes back onto the test tube tray so shift my head towards his.

"Why don't we follow the rules instead so no one does something stupid?" I faked a smile, not even bothering to be a bit subtle about it. He mocked my careless use of sarcasm and huffed turning around turning off the Bunsen burner.

As you could tell. I haven't changed partners. No, I've tried. I really have. But my AP chemistry professor thought it would be very unnecessary to change partners during the middle of the school year, when everyone is very comfortable with their partners. He just simply forgot that Sadie Princeton works alone, and if ever worked with someone it wouldn't be with the scrape of the pot.

"Not everything has to go your way you know" He pushes into my thoughts to propel enough guilt to reconsider his ways. I admit, under normal circumstances I was a hard shell to crack, but now you could define me as a brick. I had tuned him out, but he constantly had tuned back in. Couldn't he have just left me to finish this alone? He had gotten what he wanted, but I was still striving to be top notch unlike this flea bag.

"I didn't ask for your opinion" I muttered pouring the potassium permanganate into the Sulphur solution with care an ease. I swiftly took off my gloves and chemistry goggles and grasped my notebook from the side of our desk and began observing the solution transform while jotting it all down for our lab report.

"Don't be so uptight Sadie. Let's just see and try it my way" He smothered, filching the test tubes from right in front of my eyes and applying it onto the gauze before putting it above the Bunsen burner.

Fuming I dropped my pencil with force and giving him an instant glare. "What is your deal Jaxon!?" I hollered catching his attention very quickly. He too very bemused with this sudden act of rage had had no words for it. I cut myself off, laughing bitterly.

"Wait, that's the thing about you people, you think you can just swoop up at whatever time you want thinking you can just change the rules of the game as if it were your own, completely ignoring the fact that there are people who've been playing that game much longer than you, and to them the rules are fine!"

Jaxon pulled aback, deciding my rage had come all sorts of places. The chemistry reaction had been one, but of many points that had clearly released an explosion, right here, in our AP chemistry lab. Trying to sooth me, he reached an arm first brushing his brown locks to the back of his forehead before putting it onto my shoulder.

"For the record, I never the said the rules were broken, I just think the players are a bit too stiff"

"I'm not stiff!" I protested swatting away his latex glove covered hand away from my proximity.

He smiled mocking-like and pinched the notebook I was using from under my arms.

"You're as stiff as I am Jaxon"

I scowled at him arms crossed against my chest and my goggles intact across my face saving me from bursting at him.

"Like I said, I didn't ask for your opinion. So, either you do it my way or you can go hit it with the bimbo"

He'd suddenly furrowed his eyebrows hindering his pen from reaching the paper.

"Willa? We're not even dating" He explains confused as to why I'd suddenly brought her up in the midst of our argument on chemistry guidelines.

Yet I continued to hit him with sheer bullets as my frustration against It all oozed out and I had lashed it out on Jaxon who played his own role in this whole mess.

Two Of A KindDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora