Chapter Eight

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Trying to stay awake was the toughest off all. My eyes were too heavy, constantly falling over my eyeballs in attempt to fall into slumber. My head felt though as it had been hit by a brick multiple times, and is now feeling the after math from the later day. Of course, I had kept myself on the pill, afraid that this twitching and yawning would lead to a seizure of some sort. But even then, I was totally exhausted, and wouldn't mind a few hours of a little snooze.

"...And what will we be doing about the field? It will need to grazed and ready for due time of the field play?"

Student council meetings were the worst after Thursday night parties. You think you'd be having nice slumber like every other kid, trying to survive the hardcore hangovers you'd be receiving the next morning, but no.

You'll be awake before you can even think of resisting and dragged to school before eight thirty to be able to hear a bunch of people-who just like you-are trying to get some sleep, about what to do for pep rally.

But the president, she, she had taken the hit worse than all. 

"Okay..." I sigh, blinking my eyes to keep them open. I flipped a few pages through my notebook, giving everyone in the room a glance. This was the Student Council Meeting Room. We were a total of fifteen people, all concerned on how things will be moving on, starting from the pep-rally all the way to junior prom.

"Since the Pep Rally has been officially set for Monday afterschool, things must be completely settled by Friday. So, I'll need the cheerleaders on extra afterschool practice which I myself will be coordinating. I need the art club to project some nice decent posters for the hallways. The environmental club will be in charge of cleaning up the field and the bleachers. Mindy, I want you to report the progress and future plans to the principal as usual" I order, with a yawn that had followed after.

Everyone had looked at me with a titled head yet nodded to oblige with what I had to say. Because, well, I was president, and they weren't.

"Any questions?" I follow up, glaring for no response.

Ned, president of the tech club had almost risen his hand till he'd glanced at my fire-eyes slowly backing his hand back down.

I smiled.  "Good"

Everyone had gone back to chatting to one's that sat beside them as I had turned off the projector.

"Sadie, can I talk to you for moment?" Mindy, creeps her way to me.

"If this is about your report template, we're looking for a new one" I speak before she could beat me to it.

It wasn't until this particular weekly meeting, that I had recognized how far we'd fallen behind schedule. And of course as the president of this student government committee, the heavy burdens would be dropped over my head. But surely as I say, A queen won't make the cake for her guests, but she'll show them how to make it and they shall follow.
Certainly I had all responsibility over the decisions and events but it wasn't a piece of cake to work with these uncooperative beings.
And to think Jaxon could handle this. He'd quit on the first day.

I sighed looking over the class representatives and club heads circled in the schools conference room, talking to me as if I'm the babysitter-mind you-with the answers to everything. I sat in the front table, with a huge projector by my side. Everyone's eyes bolting  at me it felt so uneasy.

"Actually, Sadie that's not what I came to talk to you about" She fiddled with the edges of her glasses.

Mindy was my vice president since I'd started this headship. And I must say, there isn't quite anyone like her in the committee. Very onto schedule, and always remembers to exclude Hailey out of the meetings who for some reason feels like she is chosen to be in. Though to be fair she knows how to get people working, granted it follows with her having to do some sweet talk which my mind cannot absolutely handle. Mindy had it all done, which is why I had always appreciated her work ethics, with her long skirts, her white blouses, and her oversized glasses. The only small problem she had was communication.

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