Chapter Seventeen

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Daily life was back stretching on its usual strings. Well, mostly anyway. Jaxon was completely off my shoulders so the weight was much lighter. Connor and I were once again, Clarison High's it couple serving the society with our public demonstration of a healthy relationship. I was still student body president, cheer captain, prom coordinator, and had successfully organized pep rally, earning an extra grant deposited for our school's prom preparation, due to my consistent and quality of effort. It was prom week, and ballots were out, and from the whispers of it all, prom king and queen would be thrown out to the obvious. So, things were very likely headed my way as to the contrary from the week before, though it would be very fair to say seeing Jaxon everywhere clung onto Willa as they strode behind us during morning hallway strides, lunch breaks and smoothie hangouts did bother me to some sorts. It actually really bothered me. But I couldn't protest, because things were much better in place, and I had no interest in breaking that good luck just yet.

Granted, I should say it again, he didn't belong there, but it wasn't my business and along as it didn't affect me, I didn't care.

At least I tried not to.

"What is with all these mopping faces? Is anybody up for milkshakes afterschool? I know we usually do it" Mel brings up joining the lunch table. I internally groaned not wanting to be hanging out with Jaxon in the same room once again. Yet either way I wouldn't be able to make it. Which in some ways did make things much meeker. Father would be heading for New York in tonight's evening, and we'd had a small bon voyage banquet for his departure, having also called the Mills. Wasn't my idea. But I guess we never get to choose who we get to live next to, I'd hoped at least Jaxon, wouldn't be able to attend the gathering, picking milkshakes with us instead to further get Willa into his soul. And I'd peacefully spend my evening having, celery with wine cooked meat without him face tarnishing it all.  

"I'm up! But I'm bringing a plus one, Seth wants to go to the mall after school so I'm squishing my schedule sadly. Sometimes I really wish there were two of me" Taylor notes, drinking her coffee her eyes glued against her cell phone, as she possibly is talking to him as we speak.

Trust me Taylor, you probably don't want two of you. It is inconvenient, and you'll constantly be taking medication, have anxiety attacks, have a miserable life, and...

Who am I kidding? That's just me.

"Sure, why not. Got nothing else to do" Connor agrees one hand draped over my shoulder. I look at him as he signs for me to join. Unfortunately, this time, he'll be juggling this get together on his own, for I spill not be present, and I'd ask for nothing more.

"I'd love to go. The cheer team usually doesn't go out for pick-me-ups." Willa chirps excited to spend some time with the highest on the social rank. I'd rolled my eyes at her unobserved comment, if my leadership. Dare she question my guidance, if she'd wanted a drink so badly she should've went with her own two feet alone. For all I care she could shove it. I am a cheer captain, not a tour guide.

Luckily that will be the last I hear of her; cause fortunately they'll be going without me this time cause I-

"Can't" both me and Jaxon had said simultaneously. Not only had it freaked me out, but mostly everyone on the table stood staring at the coincidence of it. But of course, I didn't want them to believe I'd be going with Jaxon, so I quickly had reasoned out before he had the chance too.

I cleared my throat. "My dad's leaving tonight upstate, we're seeing him off" I sate hating to bail on my friends, as their faces look a bit dismayed. "Sorry Mel" I shrug playing guilty for whatever reason had disappointed her. She sighs, and Connor looks at me.

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