Chapter Thirteen

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"I think Willa is beginning to notice me" He sparkles stealing a look towards me to break the news of his success. Of course, I didn't care. It was his life not mine. Would it benefit me? No. Willa already had a boyfriend, but if he is reluctant to the idea enough to get himself killed by a jock, then so be it. I have no say.

I nod giving up a slight thumbs up to show my support. Though it never ceases to amaze me that my skills to mentor never fail, Jaxon beginning to steal my stage began to worry me. If he becomes the next hit, I could lose it all, and Connor might also slip away. Losing Connor would be a loose end. I'd be vulnerable, for overthrowing people like Jaxon. With no figure to stand beside me for a shield, what's left of my reputation will no longer exist. At least not officially.

My emotional state was rather miscellaneous. I had absolutely no idea what I had been feeling, nor had I ever felt it before. I'd felt some sort of grief. I wasn't sure why, but I had suddenly felt sick, and I'd slowly felt the agonizing feeling flush through my body. And they came quicker than I had noticed. The tears, bursting down like rivers. It felt so peculiar. Feeling this was odd, and I didn't know what to do, but hold my chest and sob.

It was uncontrollable. I didn't know what to do or how to handle such feelings having never encountered them. I'd felt like I was six years old again. I was a silent crier, and so it wasn't until later that Jaxon had turned around. I quickly plucked a piece of tissue paper from my purse smearing my face to its dry self again.

It was as if my face had leaked. Confused to the core, I sat silently in Jaxon's car, praying that he didn't notice my slight sob. I was good at masquerading it up, but sometimes he is way far up my nose, that the slightest slip up may give him a certain piece of closure. But I wouldn't let it budge.

I didn't cry often. I think all in all I've only cried three times in my whole life including now, and baby tears don't count. I believe in solitude, even when it comes to crying. You must hide your tears, for better years.

"It's kind of a funny story you know. When we were seven years old..." He began, slicing through the stillness. I arose from my position, letting my hand detach from propping my chin.

"We were actually friends" He adds quickly with a casual laugh. I furrowed my eyebrows, slowly realizing where this conversation was heading and soon gasping right afterwards.

"No" I spoke to myself, as my hands cover my mouth from a wide mouth gasp.

"We are not friends now either Jaxon Mills" I firmly say tilting my face to gaze towards his.

It was almost ten years ago, yet as he'd brought it up, it did sort of bother me.

Though it does hassle me, why would Jaxon have wanted to bring up something that shouldn't be brought up. For all I could be mad about, his desperate need to have taken my silence and peace made no sense whatsoever.

"But we were once. I mean that should count for something" He shrugged gazing his eyes towards the road.

It had been my turn to laugh. What on earth? Was he on something? Our friendship, if you'd even call it so had expired long before I had conscious of anything. Had he not one of his own? I am pretty sure he should.

"We were peacefully driving, and I was just fine sulking through the silence, but your annoying self can't let me have that?" I barge contemplating over whether he'd been bluffing and or had he even been the slightest of honest.

"Are you saying I'm fat?" He huffed completely out of the blue. I rose to eyebrows entirely wondering if he'd been out of context. It was very odd, and so was this conversation. I didn't think Jaxon was in the right state of mind. And having to bring this up ten years later, with no course to where this dialogue was going.

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