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Sasha's P.O.V

Peter: That was beautiful.

We sit in silence and I study him out of the corner of my eye. His hair is tousled in the light breeze and I can see the muscles beneath his hoodie. My cheeks redden. What is happening to me?

Friday: Mr. Parker, Miss Romanoff, boss wishes for you to meet him in the conference room.
Peter: Okay Friday.

He stands and holds a hand out shyly to me.

Peter: I'll show you the way.
Me:*teases* Thanks Spidey.

I stand and smirk slyly. I slowly slide behind him and jump on his back.

Peter:*surprised* Sasha!
Me:*innocently* What?

He grins mischievously and grabs my legs before running. I gasp and shout playfully.

Me: Hey!

He slows down enough to where I can get down.

Peter:*smirks* After you.

I batter my eyelashes at him and lean so my lips brush against his ear.

Me: Thank you.

His entire body turns violently red as I see the others waiting for us. I take my seat in between Momma and Clint, smiling innocently when they look from a flustered Peter to me.

Me: Hope I'm not to late.
Bruce: This is definitely Nat's child.

Momma gives a laugh and rolls her eyes at Bruce. A shit eating grin comes on my face as I lift an eyebrow at the two.

Me:*slyly* Итак ... как долго вы оба были мамочкой? (So...how long have you two been a thing Momma?)

She chokes on her water and glares at me. Bucky and Clint chuckle as the others look confused.

Momma:*seethes* Какая?! Не будь смешным, Саша! Там нет ничего! (What?! Don't be ridiculous Sasha! There's nothing!)
Clint:*smirks* Конечно, Нат. Конечно. (Sure Nat. Sure.)
Tony: Can we focus please?
Steve: Go Tony.
Tony: The info on the drive is...its very thought out.
Bucky: When do we go?
Tony: Cap?
Steve:*stands* We have to move fast. Once they find out Sasha went rouge, it's going to be a massacre to find more intel.
Momma: We should leave in 2 days. Gives us a day to prepare.
Me: I can show you how to avoid them. You can't just hit first, ask later. Not with him.
Momma: You can tell us. You are-
Me: Don't. Say. It. I've been an assassin for 15 years. I can handle myself. Plus...your my Mother. Badass is in my blood.
Steve:*yells* LANGUAGE!

Everyone rolls their eyes and Tony turns to me.

Tony: I...I just wanted to say I'm sorry about earlier.
Me: Don't worry Stark. I get it. You just wanna protect your family.

I hold my hand out and he shakes it. His face crumples and he starts laughing.

Steve: What...?
Me:*smirks* That's for hitting me.

I show my palm and reveal a button.

Me: Laughing shock button. Made it myself.
Momma:*laughs* You...
Bucky:*snickering* When does it wear off?
Me:*smirks* Two hours.

They laugh and we go over possible plans. I feel Peter's eyes on me as we break up the meeting. I follow Momma out and flop on the couch.

Me: Now what?
Momma: Let's go to the training room.

I hop up and follow her. We enter and I whistle.

Me: Not bad.

I run my hand along a punching bag. Moving my weapons and jacket to a bench, I wrap my hands up. I start jabbing the bag.
Its quiet except for the sound of our fists hitting the leather. I breathe in an out evenly as I continue pounding the bag. I finally decide to stop and Momma tosses me some water.

Momma: You were doing good there.
Me: I have stamina.

She rolls her eyes and I laugh. My toes flex and I stretch.

Momma/Me: Clint get out of the vents.

He curses and crawls out.

Clint: Little bug, you are just like your Momma.
Me:*smirks* Thanks.

I set the water down and take off my hoodie, revealing a tank top.

Me: And what has my Momma taught you?
Clint:*deadpans* How to get my ass kicked.

We burst out laughing as Steve walks in.

Steve: Language!

That makes us laugh harder.

Me: Perfect timing.

I stretch again and this time go into a back bend.

Me: Wanna spar?
Steve: Uh...

I flip over and stand.

Me: Scared Captain?
Momma: Probably.
Steve:*rolls eyes* Alright mini Nat.
Tony: I'll have you know I make the nicknames here capsicle.

I turn to see the others.

Bruce:*exasperated* Is now the time Tony?
Tony: Now, now Brucie. I want to see this.

My eyes find Peter and I wink. He shyly smiles and I giggle. Steve and I step on the mat.

Steve: I'll-
Me: Don't worry old man. I'm gonna go easy on ya.

I hear muffled laughter and grin. A bell dings and I wait for him to rush at me. I drop into a split and push up on his stomach. He drops behind me and I get up.

Me:*taunts* To slow old man?
Steve:*narrows eyes* Not quite young lady.

He throws punches at me and I dodge, landing a kick in his side. He grabs my foot and twists. I use the momentum to spin and kick his face. He punches me in the jaw and I pretend to crumple.

Momma: SASHA!
Clint: Damn cap!

I hear Steve's footsteps near me and push up, wrapping my legs around his neck. I twist and he crashes down, me sitting on his chest.

Me: Don't let your guard down boi.

I get up and hold a hand out. I turn to the others.

Me: What?
Peter:*jaw dropped in awe* That was awesome!
Me:*smiles* Eh.
Clint: That's it! I'm never sparring with the little bug!

I laugh and prod my jaw.

Me: Nice punch Captain.
Steve:*apologetically* Sorry doll.

I yawn and stretch, my tank top riding up a bit.

Me: I'm exhausted. Being a teenage assassin and a bad ass is hard work.
Tony:*jokingly* Language.

Steve groans and I gather my weapons.

Me:*salutes* Adiós avengers.

I walk out and walk a bit before speaking.

Me: Hey Friday?
Friday: Yes Miss Romanoff?
Me: Where's Peter's room?
Friday: Mr. Parker's room is down the hall.
Me:*walking* Thanks. Also, please don't tell anyone but Peter where I am?
Friday: As you wish.

I head to Peter's room and shut the door. I put my weapons under the bed and crawl under the covers. Peter's smell was all over the blanket and pillows. Smiling slightly, I drift off to sleep.

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