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Hey my Snowflakes! I love each and every one of you guys so much. Thanks for being here for me ever since my first book and beyond. You are special.
💖 WinterBella
Sasha's P.O.V

I pulled up to the Hydra base to see Quinton standing with an enraged face. I got off my bike and walk over to him. He glares and slaps me harshly.

Me: I...I just wanted to know why.
Quinton: Grow up! Your mother is dead! Focus on your missions!
Me: Fine.

I head to my room and toss my bow onto the bed. I curse and yank out the music box.

Me:*angrily* Why did you leave me!?

I raise my arm to throw it at the wall. Something makes me stop and I open it. The little ballerina twirls as the delicate music plays. I mess with the tiny diamonds around the dancer, running my fingers on them. I feel one go down and gasp as a secret compartment opens. A small photo is seen and I pull it out. It's Black Widow with a round stomach. I turn it over and read.

I never thought that I would be a mother, but little Sasha has changed me. I have felt her grow in me and have witnessed this emotion. The undeniable love and sense of purpose. I'm not sure if I can provide for her the way she deserves. But I will always make sure that she is protected. I just hope I won't disappoint her.

My Sasha Anastasia Romanoff.

I drop it and stare in shock. No..it can't be true!......can it? I pick it up and slide it in my pocket. I put my bow on and slip the music box back in my jacket. I head to Quinton's office and pick the lock. Moving to the computer, I hack it and go to my file. I scan it and grit my teeth. Son of a bitch!
I copy everything to a file and send a virus into the computer. I pour water on his computer and it sparks, catching flames as I light it. I run to my bike and tear off the tracking device. I screech out and drive away, heading to New York.


I drive up to a store and get a wig, putting it over my hair. I walk back to my bike and pull up the news feed.

Reporter: Once again, Queens is safe thanks to our own Spiderman. Where would we be without you?

Me: Hmm, what indeed.

I drive into Queens and spy the webslinger, following him into an alley. I lean against the wall.

Me: Top of the morning to ya.

He whirls around and his white eyes widen.

Spiderman: M-Miss! What can I do for you?
Me: Sorry about this.

I knock him out and drag him into a empty warehouse. I tie him up and splash cold water on him. He jolts awake.

Spiderman: W-what?!
Me: Hey.
Spiderman: What do you want?
Me: I don't know. I want the truth I guess.
Spiderman: The truth about what?
Me: Me.

I lean against the wall sighing.

Me: I just want to know who I am.
Spiderman: I'm sorry.
Me: Whatever.

I hear a crash and Iron Man crashes through the ceiling.

Me: Welcome Stark.
Iron Man:*points blasters at me* Step away from my Spiderling.
Me: Fine. This was stupid anyway.

I rush to my bike and get on. I feel something grab my bike and tear down the street. Something yanks me backwards, I jump of and watch as my bike smashes into a building.

Me:*pissed* Jackass.
Iron Man: You're coming with us.
Me: Fine. Let's go.

I start walking towards the Tower.

Me: Hi guys! Hope you liked it🤓.
Noel:*bursts in* Winter I love you!
Me:*startled* What?!
Noel: I've loved you since I can remember. You are so exquisite and passionate about everything.
Me:*tears up* Noel.....
*I run and kiss him as everyone comes in*
Tails: Get some!
Hunter: Holy Spirit he did it!?
Arianna: Jack's gonna be pissed.
*Camera goes black*

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