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Enjoy! And have a lovely day!

Sasha's P.O.V

I walk in and wave at the secretary.

??: I'm sorry but you need to leave.
Me: I wish. I'm currently about to be interrogated.

She looks confused until Tony and Spider-Man walk in.

Tony: It's fine Shelly.

I snort and make my way to the elevator.

Me: Going up?
Tony: Don't get smart kid.
Me:*pouts* It's a simple question.
??:*robotic voice* Welcome back Mr. Stark, P-
Tony: Hey Friday. Spider-Man and I need to interrogate a girl. Can you notify the others?
??: Of course boss.
Me: Friday isn't quite as humane as Jarvis.
Tony: How did you-
Me: I'm a smart person Stark.

The elevator stops and they lead me into a room with a table and two chairs. I plop into one and cross my legs on the table.

Me: So...Natasha Romanoff's baby?
Tony: Who are you?
Me:*tsks* I asked first.

I cross my arms and they walk out. I slide my duffle bag over to me and hid it from the obvious two-way mirror. I slide my knives and guns onto my body and tuck my arrows under my sweater. I keep my bow hidden in the bag and go back to my original position. Steve Rogers walks in.

Me:*gasps dramatically* OMG! It's Captain America! What an honor!
Steve: Who are you and how do you know about Natasha's baby?
Me:*quietly* So she did have one.*looks up* How long ago?
Steve: Name first.
Me: Miranda.
Steve: Well, Miranda. How did you know about Natasha's baby?
Me: Nope. It's my turn to get a question answered. How long ago?
Steve: About 15 years.

I look down and bite my lip. No. It's just a coincidence.

Me: Was...was it a girl?
Steve: No it's my turn. Who do you work for?
Me: No one at the moment. Now, was it a girl?
Steve: Yes. Her name was-
Me: Sasha.

I move my legs down and slam my hand down on the table. Steve jumps and I glare at the wall.

Me: I have to go.
Steve: I'm afraid you can't.
Me: Oh come on. I answered your questions.
Steve: Your name isn't Miranda.
Me: So?
Steve: What is it?
Me:*smirks* A name.
Steve: And what is that name?
Me: Mine.

Steve sighs and leans towards me.

Steve: I can't help you unless you help me.
Me: I don't think you can Captain.
Steve: How do you know that?
Me: I don't. But alas I don't know if I can trust you.*whispers* I don't know who to trust anymore.

Steve stares at me sadly and I watch as he leaves. I wave childishly at the mirror and stick my tongue out. Clint Barton comes in and I purse my lips.

Me: Not who I was expecting. Maybe Stark.
Clint: We want to help you.
Me: Tell me something. What makes you trust those people on the other side of that mirror?
Clint: Their my team.
Me: And? Lots of teams don't trust each other. So why do you?
Clint: Because we're more than a team. We've grown into a family.
Me: And why should I believe you?
Clint: Because I think people have hurt you. Lied to you. Stole everything you had. And now your lost. You don't know who to trust and my guess is you want to believe me. And deep down you do.

I quietly look down and run a hand under my eye. I stare at Clint and nod.

Me: I don't know what will happen, but, I'm going to try and make it better.

I reach up and tear off the wig. My hair sits in a neat bun and I see Clint's eyes widen.

Me:*softly* My real name is Sasha Anastasia Romanoff. I'm 15 years old and for my whole life believed that the Avengers killed my mother. So, Clint Barton, can you help me?

The door flies open and I look up to see Natasha. Her eyes are filled with tears and I hesitantly take a step forward.

Me: м...мамочка(M...Mommy?)
Natasha:*tearfully* мое сердце (My heart.)

I run at her and bury my face in her shoulder. I feel her hug me tightly and let out a sob. We slide to the floor and I clutch her tightly.

Me: Your alive.
Natasha: Yes baby. I'm alive.
Me:*crying* I'm so sorry Mommy!
Natasha:*cups my face* Don't be мое сердце (my heart). They lied to you. You were only a child. You couldn't have known.
Me: I was so angry. At everybody. At...you. Why did you leave me?
Natasha: I was coming back мое сердце (my heart). But the studio was deserted. I...I couldn't find you. I'll never forgive myself for not finding you.
Me: I missed you.
Natasha: I missed you to. So much.

I pull out the music box and open it, pulling out the picture as the music plays.

Me: I'm not disappointed Momma.
Momma: You kept it.
Me: Of course I did. It was all I had left of you.
Momma: I want you to meet some people.
Me: Momma I don't think I'm welcome here. I've done some bad things. Hurt people. Most of them on your team.
Momma: You'll find that their forgiving. Besides, we've all done some things we're not proud of. And they will remember that.

I feel her directing that at them. I chuckle and grab my bow out of the duffle bag. She raises an eyebrow and I smile.

Me: You really should tell them to check the people they interrogate.
Momma: Boys are dumb. Especially Stark.

I laugh and she opens the door, taking my hand. I see the group and sigh.

Me: First off, I'm sorry about shooting you, and punching you, and kidnapping you. I know better than to believe someone so fast. Momma taught me that. But, I was just hurt. I know it's not an excuse or changes anything...but I am really sorry.

I shyly look up at them and Wanda walks up to me with a smile.

Wanda: I know how it feels. I'm Wanda.
Me: It's nice to meet you.
Wanda: Natasha we should have a girls night! We could watch movies and eat ice cream!
Tony: I don't think-
Wanda:*glares* Shut. Up. Come on Sasha. We'll do it in my room.
Me: I don't know Wanda.
Wanda: No buts. Come.

She grabs my hand and drags me into a room. I sit on the bed and set my bow down on the table and sit on the bed, undoing my quiver.

Momma: How did you hide that?
Me: Sweaters can be very good.
Wanda: That's true. Now what should we watch?

She picks a movie and puts it on. I cuddle up shyly with Momma and Wanda. I feel someone drag a gun from my back and turn to see Wanda.

Me: What?
Wanda: I'm sorry I saw this falling and...
Me: Oh. I'm sorry.

I take it from her and put it back

Momma: How do you have so many weapons?
Me: I have a hobby.
Momma: And the real reason?
Me:*chuckles* You don't want to know.

I stand up and go to the door.

Me: I'm going to get some water.
Momma: Sure.

Love you all so much and thanks for reading my story.

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