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Hi everyone. Before you continue, I just wanted to apologize for not updating. I've been going through a couple things and am trying to work through them. I am absolutely beyond grateful that this story is bringing laughs and all sorts of things to people. I never expected anything I write to be this big and it brings me such happiness. I love you all.

- WinterBella❄❤❄❤
Peter's P.O.V

The plane ride there was pretty uneventful. My girls napped most the time and Ryland and I played Uno. I can see MJ and Ned with their kids a few rows up. When we got to the hotel, eyes were drawn to our group. For one, we were a ginormous group of kids and students, but as they looked closer, two teens who were involved with the Avengers were sure to draw attention.

Sasha:*smirks* Love, you don't think our presence is intriguing these people do you?
Me: I couldn't tell you baby. But we are pretty awesome.
Sasha: Heck yeah we are.

We laugh and get up to our room. It was pretty nice and was a conjoined room so we'd be close to the kids. Speaking of which......


*Time skip*

Natasha's P.O.V

I was working out when I could sense him coming in. It's silent until I hear him sigh.

Bruce: Nat. Can we talk?
Me: Sure.

I stop the punching bag and walk to the bench, taking off my wraps. He sits next to me and I can see him fiddling with his hands out of the corner of my eyes.

Me:*whispers* What Bruce?
Bruce: I wanted you to know I'm not mad or upset with you. I don't fully understand, how can I? But I know you Natasha. You do the best you can and always try to for the right reasons. Please honey. I want to be the person you can talk to about anything.

He grabs my hand and rubs it with his thumb. I'm silent for a few minutes, thinking about everything that has happened over the past couple years. So much has happened so quickly.

Me: You are one of the most important people to me. So much has happened and I realize more now then ever that life is short. I don't want to spend another minute without......
Bruce: Without what Nat?
Me:*whispers/smiling* Being your wife.

Sasha's P.O.V

My shields stop them from getting to the coins. Peter narrows his eyes at them as the come to attack again.

Peter: Think about what your doing.
Me: Are you sure you wanna punch your way out of this one?

Her eyes looked into mine with a determined glare. His eyes were just the same.

Kiara: Mommy, give us the chocolate coins!
Ryland: We want some too!

They both pout and give the absolute best puppy eyes.

Peter:*laughing* Alright we give!
Me:*giggling* Here!

I toss some and they snatched it, laughing. I sit on Kiara's bed as my phone rings. I swipe up and a hologram of Momma shows.

Me: Hi Momma.
Momma: Hey darling. How is everything going?
Me: Oh it's been the best week! But I'm glad to be coming home.
Momma: Me too. I have to tell you something when you do.
Me: Everything okay?
Momma:*smiles* Yes. Just wanna explain in person.
Me: Okay. I'll see you in the morning. I love you.
Momma: Love you more my darling.

She hangs up and we start packing our bags for our flight back. We get to the airport and I find it ironic how we got here in the evening and are leaving in the evening.

Ryland: I had a lot of fun Auntie Sassy.
Me: Me too sweetie.

I watch as he looks towards Kiara and Peter. My smile turns soft as I recognize the look in his eyes, even if he didn't understand it.

It was the same way Peter looked at me.

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