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A couple years pass by. The Avengers continued to come together and bond as a family. Sasha's powers grew more then before and she went back to Asgard to learn that when Frigga and Kiara healed her, some of their magic lingered and tied into her own. She slowly begins controlling it and continues her romance with Peter. (No they haven't done anything, haha.)

Sasha's P.O.V

I was in my last class, the one I didn't have with Peter. Tony usually was able to get us put into classes together, but I wanted to learn more French while he was trying to study Russian. The bell rings and I gather my stuff. Peter was waiting for me outside the door as usual.

Peter:*grins* Hey beautiful.
Me:*rolls eyes* You flirt.

He laughs and kisses my cheek.

Peter: You love it.
Me: Alright, maybe I do. Come on. Let's go get our daughter and my godson.

He holds my hand as we walk the block or so to Kiara and Ryland's school. Happy picks us up from there and takes us back to the Tower unless Wyatt or Camden pick him up. I go to their classroom and watch as my little angel cleans her desk. I flick my hand and her hair ruffles.

Peter: Hey princess.
Kiara: Daddy!

She runs to him and Ryland hugs me.

Ryland: Hi Auntie Sassy.
Me: Aw, one of you hugged me.

Kiara giggles and hugs me. I kiss her head and bop her nose.

Me: Do you have your stuff?
Kiara:*nods* Yup!

She grabs her backpack and we head out. Peter scoops Ryland onto his shoulders and I give Kia a piggyback ride.

Ryland: Where is Dada and Daddy?
Me: They went to Staten Island for the drag queen thing.
Peter:*grins* Oh yeah. That means we get to babysit everyone.

The kids giggle and Happy pulls up with the car. We slip in and Kiara hands him his daily picture. Happy let's out the rare smile he reserves for her. Kiara and Happy was a friendship I hadn't seen coming. But it was sweet.

Kiara: What are we doing today?
Me: After we all finish our homework, how about we head to the mall?
Peter: Sounds fun.
Ryland: Okay.

We get back to the Tower, which was mostly empty as everyone was on missions around the world. Momma went to Spain and I missed her. I drop my stuff off in the living room and head to my room for a quick shower. I change into a tank top and shorts, throwing my hair into a ponytail. I go back downstairs and start doing my homework. Peter sat besides me on the couch while the kids were on the floor doing it on the coffee table.

Kiara: Mommy? I need help.
Me:*looks up* With what sweetie?
Kiara: I keep getting the wrong answer.

She shows me her math equation. I glance it over and point to where she went wrong.

Me: Try fixing here love.
Kiara: Thanks!

Smiling, I turn and go back to my French homework. I eye Peter and clear my throat.

Me: Hey mon amour, tu as besoin d'aide pour tes devoirs de russe? (Hey love, do you need help with your Russian homework?)
Peter: Babe, I have absolutely no idea what you just said.
Friday: Miss Sasha wants to inquire if you need assistance with your Russian Mr. Parker.
Peter: Yeah, please? Um, am I saying this right? Меня зовут Питер, как твой зонтик?

Kiara and I giggle.

Kiara: Why do you want to know how Mommy's umbrella is?
Peter:*blushes* T-That's what I said?
Me: Yup. It's supposed to be this. Меня зовут Питер, как у тебя дела сегодня? (My name is Peter, how are you doing today?)
Peter:*groans* Oh man. I was so close. Russian is so hard.
Kiara: You just need practice?

We laugh and I finish my homework.

Me: Alright loves. Who's done?
Ryland: Can I stay? Auntie Wanda said she'd teach me some cooking.
Me: Alright sweetie. Kia are you done with your work?
Kiara:*nods* Ya.
Me: Okay, why don't you get changes and I'll do the same?

She nods and runs off to her room. Smiling, I kiss Peter and go to mine.

Peter's P.O.V

I watch my girls go and help Ryland clean up. He was a great kid.

Me: Call us if you need anything.
Ryland: Okay. Bye bye.

He runs to Wanda's room and my girls come out.

Kiara: Let's go!

We giggle and we head to the garage. Sasha grabs a pair of keys off the wall.

Sasha:*smirks* I'll drive!
Me:*pouts* No fair!

Kiara giggles as we get into the car she picked. Sasha wiggles her fingers and Kiara's car seat materializes.

Sasha: Everyone buckled?

We nod and she starts driving towards the mall.

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