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Peter's P.O.V

Blinding white light burst from Sasha. I heard high pitched screams cut off as soon as they started. Sasha crumples to the ground. I sprint to her side, lifting her head into my lap.

Me:*pleading* No no no....please no. Sasha.

Her hair had become undone and tumbles to her hips. Kiara was sobbing into Natasha's side. Tears run down my cheeks.

Me: Sasha....baby please. Please come back. I need you. Kia needs you. We all need you!

I bury my face into her chest. I slip forward as her body disappears and reappears in a defensive stance away from all of us.

Sasha:*demands* Кто ты?! Где я?!
Natasha:*worried* Мое сердце? Это мы. Это твоя семья.

Sasha glares and raises her hands.

Sasha: Бред сивой кобылы. У вас есть пять секунд до смерти.
Bucky: Саша ты нас знаешь.

Her brows furrow. Kiara hides behind me and Sasha's eyes brighten slightly.

Sasha: Мой ангел?

Her eyes flick to mine before she groans, hands flying to her head.

Natasha: Sasha!

Sasha whimpers and backs up, eyes terrified as she glances between us all.

Sasha: It hurts....who are you people?!

Ryland runs up and places his hands on her head. Her eyes glow as she try's to fight his magic.

Ryland:*whispers* Sorry Auntie Sassy.

Her eyes roll back into her head as she goes out cold. It's silent for a while.

Natasha: Get Loki's ass here now.

She storms off and Clint sprints to Loki's room.

Steve: Until we figure out what's wrong, keeping here asleep is the best. No one can fight her.
Tony: Bruce and I will do a full scan, see what we can figure out.

They go to the lab and I stare blankly at my girlfriend. I don't notice Steve walking up to me.

Steve: Queens? We.....We should get her to the lab.
Me:*whispers* Are....Are we going to get her back Captain Rogers?
Steve: I don't know kid....I hope so. Let me take her....Kiara needs you right now.

I let him take her, her beautiful gown flowing like a black river as he lifts her up. I turn to Kiara, who crys into my chest.

Kiara: I want Sasha back!
Me:*softly* Me too princess. Me too.

I rock Kia in my lap for a long time before she's cried herself to sleep. I curl her into my chest and kiss her forehead, heading towards my room. She stirs as I'm laying her into the bed.

Kiara: Daddy?

My heart stops.

Me:*whispers* Yeah princess. Its Daddy.
Kiara: I miss Mommy.....
Me: Me too.
Kiara:*yawns tiredly* I love you Daddy.
Me: I love you too.

I kiss her forehead and head to the lab, seeing them watching screens seriously.

Me: What is it?
Bruce: Her brain waves are off the charts. It's trying to make sense of itself.
Tony: Or trying to fix it.

I sigh and Loki barges in.

Loki:*fumes* What happened?!
Me: We don't really know.

I numbly pull my legs to my chest as Tony replays what happened to Loki and Thor.

Loki: Hmm, my Mother would be more experienced in mind healing.
Thor: Then we shall take her to Mother!
Bruce: We can't risk moving her. Anything could set her off, or make things worse.
Me: So what do we do? Please tell me you have a plan.

Everyone looks at each other. I curse and punch the table.

Tony: Kid-

I storm out of the room, slamming the door.

Loki's P.O.V

After young Peter left, Stark sigh and sat down. I actually almost felt sorry for him.

Me: Thor I'm going to contact Mother, see if she can help remotely.

I leave behind an invisible duplicate of myself behind as I go out the door.

I was curious about what they were going to talk about.

Clint's P.O.V

I stood just inside the door of the training room, watching Nat as she destroyed the punching bag.

Me:*quietly* Nat.
Natasha:*spins/angrily* Don't Clint! Just don't!
Me:*walks in* Natasha ca-
Natasha: Clint I swear if you tell me to calm down-!

She takes a deep breath and runs a hand through her hair.

Natasha: I.....She.....

Then something happens that I've never seen before from my best friend.

I saw her break. Break in the worst way a women can.

Break with worry and fear for their child.

I sprint to her as she falls to the floor, pulling her to me and feeling her sobs in my chest.

Ryland's P.O.V

I was curled up in a ball on the floor, Daddy and Dada passed out on the bed. I sneak into Uncle Peter's room to see Kiara crying silently.

Me:*whispers* Ki-Ki? What's wrong?
Kiara: Ryls?

I crawl into the bed and she hugs my side.

Kiara: What's going to happen to my Mommy?
Me: You mean Auntie Sassy?
Kiara:*nods* She's like my Mommy. Do you think she would want to be my Mommy?
Me: She cares for you. And I know she loves you.
Kiara:*eyes water* Is she gonna be okay Ryls?

I shrug sadly. She crys harder and I raise my hand, gently having it glow and she quiets, going asleep.
Kiara was my best friend. I hated that she was hurting....I didn't know what to do.

Frigga's P.O.V (Ooh!!! Bet ya didn't see this one coming! Did ya?)


I glance up from my texts and close them.

Me: Leave me for a moment.

The maid nods and curtsies before slipping out the door to my study. I close my eyes and feel his magic.

What is it my son?
Lady Sasha needs your help Mother. She's suffered great mind injuries from over extensive magical power.
Ah, I see. And is this Lady the one you've spoke about?
Yes, Mother please. She's been my best friend since I've met her. Is there anything you can do to help?
Do not fret child. I will be there soon.
What? Mother what-
I said do not fret. Ready her for me my son.

I cut the connection and stand, my gown flowing as I go through the door.

Me: Notify the Allfather I'm coming to speak with him.
??:*nods* Yes Allmother, at once.

She scurries off and two guards open the door to the throne room. Odin looks at me as I stop before the throne.

Odin: My Queen, what is your inquiry?
Me: I must go to Midgard.

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