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Steve's P.O.V

I groan inwardly as Bruce fixes my jaw again. I can feel it start healing already. The pissed off look made me reluctant to try and speak. Everyone leaves and Bucky sighs before doing the same. I didn't get it. Our job is to watch out for dangers and whether we want to admit it or not, Sasha falls under that category.

Bruce: You should be fine to speak, but I recommend doing so with caution.
Me: You know I'm right.

I wince as the pain hits of my sore jaw.

Bruce: The Hulk is a danger, but you don't go treating me the same way you do Sasha. You treat her worse. You of all people should be helping her become herself again, seeing past the fear of what could happen. Besides the powers, she's just like Bucky.

With a shake of his head, Bruce leaves me to my thoughts.

*Time skip*

Sasha's P.O.V

I was getting annoyed being without my powers. I was barely going on missions, being stared at by my team, and Peter was starting to suffocate me with his adorable 'Do you want some help? Let me help you.' attitude. I walk out of the elevator while grumbling.

Peter: Are you sure you don't want-?
Me: Okay that's it!

I turn and vaguely see everyone glancing at us.

Me: I love you Peter. I do, god I do. But this smothering has to stop! I'm not glass! Just cause I don't have my powers does not make me some damsel everyone needs to protect and baby. So please, please! STOP TREATING ME LIKE ONE!

I storm off towards our room, tossing my books and bag down. I pace and growl, wishing that things would go back to the way they were. I understood that they were only worried about me and I couldn't be happier about that. But I just wish that they could see I'm not helpless without my powers. My Mother is Black Widow for crying out loud! I sigh and change into some clothes to go for a jog around town. I sneak past everyone and made it into the elevator, only to find that when I hit the main floor, my two idiotic best friends were standing with their arms crossed in absolutely-fantastic-sassy workout clothes.

Camden: And where do you think your going babes?
Me: Guys-
Wyatt: Nu-uh. You don't wanna talk, fine. Neither do we. But that doesn't mean we are letting you be alone. You are our family.
Camden: And you never have to go through anything alone.

I smile with tears in my eyes. I hug them and we start jogging through town, making light conversation. We got to the park and I felt really dizzy but pushed it aside.

Wyatt: Man, its almost dark. We've been out all day.
Camden: I'm starving.

We laugh and Wyatt points to a pizza place.

Wyatt: I'll go get some pizza. Back in a sec.

I nod and once he's out of earshot, Cam yanks me to face him.

Camden: I need your help.

Me: What?
Camden: Wyatt's and I anniversary is coming up on Saturday. I.....I really wanna propose.
Me:*eyes widen* WHAT!?!?!?!

I screech in excitement and throw my hands around him. Even though they've been together for years now, had a kid, and were practically married. Wyatt and Cam never did tie the knot.

Camden: So, will you help me?
Me: Of course I will. Okay, Saturday...that's only four days Cam.

Camden groans and gnaws his lip.

Camden: I know. But I really feel like this is the right time.
Me: Okay, I think I may be able to come up with something. Let Wyatt and Peter pick the kids up tomorrow and meet me at the mall.

He nods and I see Wyatt coming back with three pizza boxes. We eat and start walking back to the Tower.

Me: Thank you both. I really needed tonight.
Wyatt:*throws arm around my shoulder* Anytime Sassy. Your our kid sister.

Smiling, I watch as they head back up in the elevator and I take the stairs to my favorite spot on the roof. The stars start twinkling and a light breeze blows across my face.

Momma: Care for company?
Me: Sure.

She sits next to me and is silent for a minute.

Momma: I know you feel lost, and the team's worrying isn't helping. But I want you to know that we know you are more okay?
Me: Momma-
Momma: Please, just...just listen.

I close my mouth and she takes a deep breath.

Momma: You are so much I don't even know where to start. You have a heart that's been bruised and beaten, but still loves unconditionally. Wisdom that exceeds anyone I know. You are harden by guilt and pain no one should know, yet pure of heart. And I know that you're scared, and I know that you're sad, and that's okay. I used to think of myself as, this killing emotionless monster that would never change. Then you magically came into my life. I'm at peace because of you. And I will always be by your side over everything else.
Me:*voice breaks* Mommy......

She brings me into her chest and I break down for the first time in front of my Mother.  She held me like she would never let go.

And I believed that.

I don't know how long I sat there while my assassin Mother held me sobbing in her arms. She eventually pulls back enough to wipe my eyes and gives one of her rare genuine smiles.

Momma: I love you more than anything.
Me: I love you too...so much.

Me: Heyoooo! So I know my posting's been a bit off for some stories, and I apologize deeply for that. I have some things going on and am trying to get back on track. I hope you understand.
Noel: Or you can suck it.
Me:*whacks him* NOEL!
Noel: Hey!
Tails:*snorts* Hahaha.
Naomi: He ain't lying hunny.
Me: Why do I let you people in my studio?
Hunter: 'Cause you love us?
Me:*bursts out laughing* HAHAHA you wish!

They scoff and turn jokingly.

Me: Naw, you know I'm playin. I do love you all.
Katia: We know darling.
Me: Welp, I have to go for now readers, but always know I love you and thanks for reading!

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