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Sasha's P.O.V

Planning a wedding was way more complicated than I thought. And it wasn't even for me! But I was glad that for once life was going normally. That was something I know everyone needed after everything that happened. A good thing is that school was out and we could relax a bit.

Peter: Hey cutie.
Me: Hey love. Where's Kia?
Peter: With Ryland and Loki.

I laugh lightly as he sits. I put the papers to the side and curl into him.

Me: Did you know planning a wedding was so much work?
Peter:*groans playfully* I know! My poor maid of honor girlfriend.

I giggle and shoved him lightly. He helps me plan some of the wedding and we jump up as the mission alarm sounds.

Me: Come on.

I teleport us there and in our suits. Peter had his mask down and what I saw definatly wasn't what I was prepaird for. Momma looked like she had seen a ghost and Clint was trying to calm her.

Me: Momma? Momma! Мама, что случилось? С тобой все в порядке?
Clint: Наталья, все в порядке. Дышать. Дыши Нат.
Peter: What is going on?
Steve: The Red Room is still active.
Me: Budapest?

The others have the same confusion as they always do when we talk about it.

Clint: We thought she got out sometime after that and was angry at being left behind.
Me: It will be alright Momma. We'll find her and it will all be okay.

We get to work trying to find the red room. I was trying to feel for her but I couldn't. It only works if I was around them awhile or had a connection to them. While she was everybit my aunt and my mother's sister, blood connections were rough while doing magic. Clint walks in and looks wild.

Clint: There's been a breach in an old Budapest safe house. And Nat got a pacage of red smoke stuff in vials.

It took a smidge of convincing to only let me, Clint, and Momma go. We reminded them they didn't know how to handle assasins like we do. I kiss Peter and hug Kiara before I touch the other's shoulders and teleport to the location they said. They pulled out their weapons as we hear a voice.

Yelena:*muffled* I know you're out there.
Momma: I know you know we're out here.
Yelena: Then why are you skulking about like it's a minefield?

We slowly start moving forward.

Clint: 'Cause we don't know if we can trust you.
Yelena:*chuckles* Funny, I was going to say the same thing.
Momma: So, we gonna talk like grown-ups?

Yelena: Is that what we are?Clint: Put it down before I make you

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Yelena: Is that what we are?
Clint: Put it down before I make you.
Yelena:*tilts head* You put yours down.

Her eyes dart to me and she steps forward curiously. Momma pushes me back and tightens her stance.

Yelena: So protective, who is she?Me: I'm her daughter

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Yelena: So protective, who is she?
Me: I'm her daughter.
Yelena: So the rumors were true. The famous Black Widow gave birth to Hydra's greatest weapon.
Momma: My daughter is not a weapon!

Thery attack each other.

Clint sighs and looks to me with a pointed brow

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Clint sighs and looks to me with a pointed brow. I raise a hand and white light envelops them as it pulls them apart.

Me: You guys done now?
Momma: You had to come to Budapest, didn't you?
Yelena: I came here because I thought you wouldn't. But since you're here, what bullet does that?
Clint: Not bullets. Arrows.
Yelena: Ah, right.
Momma: If you didn't think I'd come here, why'd you send me this?

Yelena gives us a look of disbelief.

Yelena: You brought it back here?
Momma: I'm not here trying to be your friend, but you need to tell me what that is.

As she opens it, I feel a sense of dread go through me and I fight memories that it brings.

Me: It's a synthetic gas. The counteragent to chemical subjugation. The gas immunizes the brain's neuropathways from external manipulation.
Clint: Maybe in English next time?
Yelena: Это противоядие от контроля над разумом.
Momma: Настоящий взрослый.
Yelena: Why didn't you give it to one of your super-scientist friends? They can explain it to you. Tony Stark, maybe? What was I supposed to do? You're the only superhero person that I know. That was the whole reason I sent it to you. I kept checking the news, expecting to see Captain America bringing down the Red Room.

Momma and Clint exhale sharply while I look down.

Momma: What? Taking down the Red Room? What are you talking about? It's been gone for years. Dreykov's dead. I killed him.
Yelena: You don't actually believe that, do you? *a beat* You really do believe that.
Clint: Dreykov's dead. It took almost destroying the entire city just to get to him.
Yelena: If you're so sure, then tell me what happened. Tell me exactly.
Momma: We rigged bombs.
Yelena: Who's "we"?
Clint: Me. Killing Dreykov was the final step in her defection to Sheild.
Yelena: Simple as that?
Momma: Yeah, sure, "simple." That's what I'd call imploding a five-story building and then shooting it out with the Hungarian Special Forces. Took 10 days in hiding before we could even get out of Budapest.
Yelena: And you checked the body? Confirmed the kill?
Clint: There was no body left to check.
Me:*murmurs softly* You're forgetting Dreykov's daughter.

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