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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"(Y/N), we just finished making the helipad. They will be here shortly." I hear Chase call from the doorframe of the room I am currently in. I turn to smile at him, with the flask of the cure serum inside. He walks over to me and gently kisses my nose. I smile brightly, barely containing my excitement with this entire situation.

"We are finally gonna release this into the world. All they need to do is make a shit tonne of this and release it into the air!" I smile.

"All thanks to you (Y/N). Who knew the serum was actually airborne?" He laughs.

"A few modifications made it fully airborne but I'm glad this is actually going into safe hands." I smile. A few moments later, Rick pops into the room. We look at him and he smiles.

"They're here." He smiles. Chase looks at me and I smile.

"You ready?" He asks. I nod in response.

"As ready as I'll ever be." I reply. I place the flask back into the fridge and I dust myself off, trying to neaten myself up. It is clearly no use considering I am literally in a pair of jeans, a singlet, a pair of boots with Ricks hat and my belt.

I roll my eyes and we walk out of the lab and towards the helipad. I begin to shake in nervousness. Chase takes my hands in his and he smiles at me, stopping in front of me.

"You'll be okay (Y/N). Trust me." He smiles, pecking my lips. I nod in response and we walk around the corner to see six men dressed very well. In suits and all. Four wielding assault rifles in their hands. The other two are talking with Dad and Abraham. They turn their attention to me and I gulp.

"There she is." Abraham smiles brightly as I approach them.

"This is (Y/N). My daughter." Dad introduces me to the two men. They smile warmly as one man, with tan skin, brown eyes and brown hair extends his hand for me to shake.

"So you're the one everyone in HQ is obsessed about." He smiles. "You seem awfully young." He says. I take his hand and shake it.

"Almost 19 to be exact." I reply, smiling.

"Its an absolute pleasure" The other man smiles. He has hazel coloured eyes, and black hair. I take his extended hand and shake it.

"My name is Isaac Rivera. Secretary-General of the United Nations." The man with brown eyes smiles. "And this is Deputy Secretary-General Malcolm Castillo." Isaac adds, pointing to the man with hazel eyes.

"The pleasure is all mine." I smile at them both.

"We would love to see the new serum, and possibly see it in action." Malcolm smiles.

"Of course Mr. Castillo. Follow me." I reply.

"Just call me Malcolm." He replies. I smile and nod my head in response. We begin to walk to the lab when Isaac speaks up.

"Absolutely beautiful set up you folks have here. It feels like home already." Isaac says.

"I can't take all the credit. We kind of overthrew this place by the previous leader." I laugh nervously.

"(Y/N) did us a favour anyways. The previously leader was nuts, she was killing everyone." Chase adds.

"A strong woman who knows how to lead? My type of lady." Malcolm laughs, making me blush in embarrassment.

"She's amazing, ain't she?" Chase laughs, wrapping his arm around my shoulder in a protective manner.

"Lucky man." Isaac laughs. I cough as I walk forward a bit more to show them a few buildings.

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