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Recap from Chapter Sixteen - (Y/N)'s P.O.V

"You think I wouldn't find out about the experiment?" Kirstyn asks. "How we can create a new zombie? You really thought you could hide that from me?" She yells.

"Kirstyn, don't do whatever you are planning on doing. Whatever the hell those things are, they will kill everyone." I plead.

"Actually, they'll kill you. Not me." She laughs.

"If you really think trying to brainwash a zombie eating zombie is gonna work you're crazier than you fucking look!" I yell.

"Me? Crazy!?" She shrieks. "No no dear I'm not crazy.. I'm fucking insane!"

I tremble as she raises the crowbar. We then hear a yell from Chase.

"Kirstyn no! I'll do it! I'll do it!" He yells.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

The panic you feel when you can't breathe is unbearable. Almost more painful than actually getting hurt. The more time you spend not being able to breathe, the more panic your body goes into.

And while riding a motorcycle while trying not to have another episode is almost impossible to do, but I'm just able to keep myself together. But who knows for how much longer I can stay calm.

"Crash." I hear the voice of my deceased mother whisper into my ear. I shake my head and continue to try concentrate.

"Crash. Crash. Crash." She chants.

"Get out of my head!" I yell.

"CRASH! You know you want to!!" She shrieks. Instead of slowing down, I accelerate faster, screaming my lungs out.

"I don't want to die!" I scream, as tears roll down my face. I look ahead to see Alexandria. Thank fuck!! I slow down and jump off the bike and begin to run to the gate. I notice Maggie and Abraham are on watch and they spot me almost instantly.

"(Y/N)! What the hell? Run!" Maggie yells. I look back and notice I accidentally led back about a dozen walkers.

"Oh shit I didn't even notice them!!" I yell, as I begin to run faster, trying not to pass out, but my vision becomes blurry and I slow down. Abraham and Maggie shoot the walkers and someone else opens the gate.

I'm too exhausted to stand anymore, and almost immediately after I got within the walls of Alexandria, everything goes black.

I awake back in the white abyss with the key to my shackles in my hand. I grunt and I shift myself to unlock the shackles. I take my ankles out of the shackles and I look straight ahead to the small building in the distance. I sigh.

"Better now than never." I grumble to myself. I slowly start to walk closer to the building, pondering about what would be inside the small building. Could it be a person? People? Maybe an object, or an animal. As my mind begins to wander, it is soon cut short when I spot Mom appear in front of me. She is holding her hands up to her chest and her head is tilted down, gazing down at the floor.

I stop and stare at her angrily, but the angry expression on my face drops when I notice that she seems upset. I walk closer to her and she lifts her head up, showing an almost emotionless expression wiped across her face. I cross my arms over my chest and I huff.

"What do you want now? Gonna try kill me again?" I grunt.

"No. You don't understand-" She tries to speak but I cut her off.

"Don't pull that 'you don't understand' card on me because that is bullshit. I remember specifically that you AND Debbie tried to murder me on multiple occasions." I reply.

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