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Recap from Chapter Twelve - (Y/N)'s P.O.V

She stops, grabs my hair and lifts my head up to face her. Her face is all bloodied and bruised. Tears stain her once rosy cheeks. Her eyes are not as bright as they used to be. Instead, they are bloodshot, and dim.

Looking into them I can tell that she has no remorse in hurting me. No regret. Nothing. Flashbacks of the Governor rush into my head as I remember the lifeless expressions he showed when he plunged his cold scalpel into the thigh.

Tears escape from my eyes and down my now bloodied cheeks. The woman I once saw as my mother was nothing but a heartless monster. I couldn't bring myself to look at her anymore so I close my eyes, tears still streaming down my face.

She releases her tight grip on my hair and I fall back to the floor, with my face hitting the cold white surface. Nothing could have ever prepared me for not only my younger sister to hurt me, but my own damn mother to hurt me as well.

Not even in my wildest dreams. And trust me, I have some extremely unusually weird fucking dreams. My mind drifts elsewhere as my mother circles me like a vulture ready to devour me for her next meal.

I try open my mouth to speak, but nothing but a hoarse groan comes out of my mouth as the pain is too much for me to bare. Trying to stand up is no better. I can barely place my body weight on my arms without them aching.

"Weak." She grumbles. "You will always be weak."


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I dry myself, put my clothes on and blow-dry my hair. I walk out of the bathroom to see Chase sitting on the edge of my bed playing will a small bottle. I throw my towel into the bathroom and look back to Chase.

"What's that?" I ask him as I ruffle my hair. He jumps slightly and turns his gaze and smiles at me. He looks down at what seems to be a small pill bottle filled with pills. He stands up and walks over to me. He grabs one of my hands and places the bottle in my hand. I stare blankly at him in confusion.

"I uh- got the guys to help me find these for you." He smiles as I look down at the pill bottle. "Its only temporary but they will help you calm down whenever you are supposedly about to have one of your episodes." He explains. I grip the bottle tightly.

"Where did you get these?" I ask him. Come to think of it I didn't really see him in my room a lot. Chase shrugs his shoulders in response.

"We just made a little road trip to find these babies." He chuckles.

"How and where?" I ask.

"Pure luck. And we had to drive to Clearwater to find them." He replies softly scratching the back of his neck.

"You did what!? You went to Florida to get me a small shitty bottle of pills?!" I yell in disbelief as I almost choke on the pill I was trying to take.

"Well I didn't go alone (Y/N), Abraham, Michonne, Rosita, Tara and Glenn were lovely enough to tag along with me because they didn't want me going alone." He replies.

"You were willing to go alone?!" I grunt as I walk passed him to put the pills on top of my bedside drawer.

"Of course." He replies. I scoff in response and smack the pill bottle onto the bedside drawer. I got to remember that I cant get distracted by him. I shouldn't warm up to him as much as I am. For some reason its extremely difficult not to, but I have to try.

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