Finally Home

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I looked out the window. The snow was at least a foot high and there was a lot of bumps. But I was in Pennsylvania and in was so close to Riverdale. I was what was happening in Seattle. I left like that but I didn't know a better way to leave.


"Everything's alright! Everyone stay calm!" The bus driver yelled. It was me and like two other people but whatever.

"What's happening?!" An old lady screamed. The bus driver pulled over and he stood up.

"I don't know. The bus broke down and I have to go check it out. We're in Riverdale now. You can walk home or you can stay on the bus." He said. I sat there wondering what I should do but I decided to leave. I had been sitting on this bus for almost 12-hours now. So I stood up and picked up my suitcase. I sprayed Lysol all over the seat and put it back in my backpack. I walked all the way to the front and got off the bus. It was snowing like crazy and the snow was all the way to my knees. I walked around the bus and I saw a sign up ahead. It was a diner.

"Pops Chocklit Shoppe: Open 24-hours"

"I could use a burger and something hot." I thought. I walked all the way to the diner and struggled to walk there. The snow hurt on my legs. I walked up to the door and opened it. I walked in and saw the place wasn't all that busy. I heard brief talking and then Pop Tate saw me.

"Jughead Jones! You're finally home!" Pop exclaimed.

"Yup, it's good to be back." I chuckled.

"Let me get you a coffee and don't forget to wipe down surfaces when you're done."

"Thanks, Pop." I nodded. He went away and I looked down the aisle of booths. I was in shock. I dropped my suitcase and I took off my mask.

Stella, Veronica, Cheryl, and a blonde girl were sitting in a booth. Stella looked up and saw me first. She got the attention of Veronica and then Veronica got the attention of Cheryl. Betty turned around too and saw me. Betty was in shock and then weakly smiled. Betty stood up and began to walk to me. I took off my mask and I walked closer to her too. We kept walking until we were about 4-feet apart.

"Hi." Betty smiled.

"Hi." I smirked. Betty started to laugh and I did too. We just kept smiling at each other for the longest time and that's how I knew...I was finally home.

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