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I waited everyday for Annie to wake up. 2-days turned into 5-days. 5-days turned into a week. A week turned into 2-weeks. Leah and I talked often about it and how it scared both of us. But we found out troubling news too.

The drug trial isn't working. They're looking for a new one. Sam has a collapsed lung and is also in the ICU. Leah is worrying about her sister and her crush at the same time. Peter hasn't come out of his room yet and Daniel refuses to come out of his room. Austin tries to talk to us as much as he can but he went MIA when Kara died. He was in love with her after all.

I ate my soup while watching "Supernatural" and I was just relaxing. That was until I got a text from Leah. I opened it and I gasped.

Leah😃: She's awake. She'll be in her room later tonight.

Me: That's so amazing! Tell her that I love her and I miss her.

Leah😃: Will do!

I got up and grabbed paper out of my desk. I grabbed my colored pencils got to drawing. Annie loves Astronomy. I wanted to surprise with pictures of constellations all over her room.

After an hour, I finished five drawings of constellations. They were so good. I put gloves and a mask on. I stacked them all and ran out of my room. I tried to open the door to Annie's room and it opened. Leah must've forgotten to lock the door. But lucky me. I took a piece of tape and hung one drawing up. I scattered them all around the room. It wasn't much, but it was enough for Annie to love.

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