36 - Challenging

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Rachel blinked up at me as I gripped the back of her neck roughly.  "Do you really think I can't tell you two apart?" I whispered huskily before pressing my lips to hers.  

She smiled against my mouth and laced her fingers behind my back.  We ignored the wolf whistles and Jacob groaning. I felt her melting against me and I so badly wished we were back at my house, finishing what we started on that kitchen table.  

I begrudgingly broke off the kiss and pulled Rachel into the warmest hug.  "I missed you," I whispered into her ear.

She tipped her head up and smiled weakly. "You wouldn't believe the day I've had," she sighed.

I turned my head to see Embry approaching and I instinctively pulled Rachel tightly to my side.  "What the fuck…" I muttered as quietly as I could.

Rachel scoffed.  She leaned up as close as she could get to my ear, tugging on my t-shirt so I would lower my head more.  "Watch this shit," she breathed.

I raised my head to see that we weren't even registering on Embry's radar.  He focused in on Rebecca as she stared down into her wine glass. "Hey, Becca.  You look amazing," Embry mumbled dreamily. 

"Oh fuck," I ground out quietly. "He didn't."

Rebecca glanced toward Rach, her face panic-stricken.  "This was a bad idea."

"I'm sorry, Becca.  We can go," Rachel offered and now I felt panicked at the thought of her leaving. 

I slid behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I am embarrassed to say that I did shoot Rebecca a puppy dog face in order to not take Rachel up on her offer to go home early.  Rebecca scowled at me, finished her wine and tipped her head toward the kitchen.

Embry was hot on her heels as she walked away, but Rachel wasn't having it.  She reached for his arm and yanked him back when he tried to follow her twin. He glared at her, but dialed it back when I gave him a warning look that screamed, Don't fuck with my girl, asshole.

"Ease up, Embry," she began, not letting go of his arm.  "She's having a hard time right now. You really need to back off."

Embry pulled his arm from her grasp and glanced back to Becca, who now looked more relaxed at the table with Emily and Kim.  "It's a lot easier said than done, Rach. I need to be near her," he stressed, his eyes darting over to me and then back to her.  "Can't you understand that?"

Rachel leaned in and sneered, "She's still married, Embry...don't fuck with her head."

He scowled at her and walked away, leaving Rebecca alone...for the time being.  I didn't even get a chance to comment on how fucked up this was before Sam sauntered over, brow furrowed as he tried to figure out what the hell was going on.  

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