28 - Working It Out

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When I got home from Rachel's, I still held the envelope with her picture inside. It was sealed and I could only assume that it was actually in there. I tossed it into my desk and shut the drawer.

My head was pounding. I was still angry at Embry, frustrated with Rachel, and disappointed in myself. I hoped a hot shower would make me feel better. It didn't.

I got dressed for work, knowing I didn't have to be there until noon and it was barely 10am. Maybe if I went in early, I could find someone to spar with. Beating the piss out of someone sounded pretty damn good right about now.

That was another fail.

No one wanted to get in the ring with me today. So I took to punching the speed bag instead. I pictured Embry's face on it, hitting it faster and harder than I ever had before. I didn't feel any better. I was still here and Rachel was...I don't even know. Thinking about whether or not she wanted a future with me? Fuck that.

I started my shift but mostly I absently completed my tasks while thinking about Rachel. I picked up towels, cleaned up the locker room, started a load of towels in the washer, folded a load of clean towels from the dryer, and avoided a couple girls from school who were trying to flirt.

The day passed by slower than I would have liked. Only two hours left and I could lock up and go home. I passed by the reception desk and heard Manny calling for me. I turned to see him getting ready to leave for the day.

"Hey, what's up?"

Manny slung a large gym bag over his shoulder and tipped his head to me. "You've got company."

I glanced around and saw no one. "Where?"

"In the equipment room. She's waiting for you."

"She?" I asked hopefully.

Manny nodded and laughed. "She said she needs a personal trainer."

"Oh...okay." I waved goodbye to Manny and made my way to find this mystery woman. I saw a few of the regulars heading out and realized this place was pretty much dead except for the woman on the treadmill with her back to me.

When I got close enough to see her reflection in the wall length mirror in front of her, I chuckled. She noticed me too, tapping the controls on the treadmill until it slowed to a stop. She stepped off and smiled at me.

"You must be Paul. I'm Rachel," she beamed, reaching for my hand.

"Uh...yeah." I shook her hand, still a bit confused. "Manny said you were in need of a trainer."

She released her grip on my hand, her smile still bright. "Yes, I was hoping you could help me out. You see, I have this boyfriend...he's a boxer."

I nodded and crossed my arms over my chest, wondering where she was going with this. "Is that so?"

Rachel nodded her head excitedly, while the ponytail she sported bounced. "It is. And as you can imagine, he's in fabulous shape." She leaned in a little, holding her hand up to her mouth animatedly and added, "He basically looks like a Greek God."

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