44 - Getting Discovered

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The rest of Paul's party went off without a hitch. We had some quiet make-up sex, well as quiet as we could be, considering it was us and we like to be loud.

I took some time to talk to Embry.  He seemed so lost without Rebecca here and I knew she still hasn't made any decisions about coming back.  Her husband must have felt threatened by her feelings for Embry because he was pulling out all the stops to get her to stay.  I was rooting for Embry. 

Things seemed to be going okay with Mr. West after Paul's outburst.  He was keeping his hands to himself and I was grateful. He didn't seem to hold it against me that Paul had been so vocal about his accusations and I was grateful for that too.  But I still didn't trust Mr. West. Something was nagging me about him and I wondered if he was waiting to exact his revenge on Paul.

"Rachel, can you take this paper to the library and bring back the books I have listed?"

Trey's voice brought me out of my thoughts and I quickly headed out to collect his research material.  I found the library mostly empty with the exception of Jared, Paul, Kim and another girl I didn't know.  I gave them a quick glance before turning my attention to the librarian, who was helping to guide me in the right direction of the books I needed to find.  

Not trying to be obvious, I glanced back to Paul and groaned inwardly when I saw the girl beside him, gripping his arm and giggling at everything he said.  Like a ton of bricks, it hit me who she was. I had overheard her in the bathroom this morning, asking her friend if she knew if Paul was single or not. Ugh.  And from the way she spoke about him, they were familiar with each other.

Paul had been so jealous of Trey lately that I felt like an ass with the way my mind was conjuring up ways to off this bitch.  She was going full throttle with her flirting and I had had just about enough. The only thing saving Paul was he wasn't responding to any of it.  I considered sneaking away and not letting them know in was here, but screw that. It was time to lay claim to my man. Discreetly, of course.

I walked over to their table casually, trying to make it seem like I had just noticed them. I was also a little offended that Paul hadn't sensed I was in the library sooner.  But I guess he a little preoccupied with the tramp who was now leaning against him as she laughed. And it wasn't a cute laugh. She sounded like a horse. No lie.

"How's it going?" I asked casually, leaning on the table with my palms flat.

Paul's head snapped up at the sound of my voice, his expression conveying surprise that I had spoken to him since I normally kept our conversations at school to a minimum.  "Hey there. You lost?" Paul flirted and I couldn't help but smile.  

"No," I chuckled, waving my list around.  "Just pulling some research for Mr. West. You know he likes to keep me busy."

Paul grumbled a little when I mentioned Mr. West.  "You're an angel to be putting up with his ass. I don't know how you do it."  Paul glanced up at me and winked, knowing his little friend couldn't see it.

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