26 - Starting Over

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I glanced around the beach and shook my head. First damn day of summer and people were acting like idiots. The fire was blazing, thanks to Jared throwing a shit ton of lighter fluid on it.  A fifth of Jack Daniels was making the rounds, everyone pouring a little into their cups and taking a swig.  

There were girls skinny dipping, even though it was no way warm enough for that. Little shrieks and splashes could be heard every few minutes.  I was already bored and wanting to go find Rachel.  

"What's wrong with you?"

I rolled my eyes and stood, wanting to get as far away from Leah as possible.  "Just leave me alone," I muttered when I found her following me. 

"What is your problem?" she seethed.  

I popped open a can of Coke and added it to the triple shot of Jack I already had in my cup.  "You're my problem. You're clingy and whiny. Go be a bitch somewhere else."

"We had a deal," she reminded me.

I turned to face her now and I shook my head.  "The only deal we had was that I told you I'd listen to you bitch about Sam.  I never agreed to treating Rachel like shit or you trying to kiss me at school today.  Rachel is my girl. I have zero interest in you."

"I can help you," she offered, reaching for my shoulder. 

I pulled away from her quickly.  "Help me do what?"

"Make her jealous," she replied, smirking.  "You saw how she was acting at the diner. She hates me.  You could use that to your advantage."

I shook my head quickly.  "I won't do it. It's not worth it to me.  I can get Rachel back without your help."

"What about me?" she begged.  "I wanted you to help me make Sam jealous.  I know I can, if you just…"

"No!  Sam isn't here, Leah.  He's off fucking Emily somewhere.  He isn't thinking about you."

Her eyes opened wide and her expression looked as though I had slapped her.  "You are such a bastard," she seethed.  

I sighed, suddenly feeling bad.  "Forget about Sam. You can do better.  If he can't see how great you are...then fuck him."

Leah lowered her gaze and sighed.  "I don't know if I'll ever be able to get over this."

"Come here," I urged gently, pulling her into a warm hug.  I laughed to myself when I thought that it must be Rachel's influence causing me to soften toward Leah.  I never would have done this a year ago.

When I pulled away, she gave me a small smile.  I lowered my face to hers and returned the smile.  "You're gonna be okay. Just give yourself some time."

She nodded and told me she was gonna walk home.  I watched her walk away, feeling pretty good about myself.  Then I saw Rachel approaching the bonfire and my heart sank.  I prayed she hadn't seen me with Leah. Fuck.

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