14 - Apologizing

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Author's Note: As you know, this is a Paul and Rachel fic. I would think that it goes without saying that this fic will be a little more raunchy and sexual than my last fic, because let's face it, Paul is raunchy and sexual.

Also, I am writing Paul's point of view (by request from smileygirl_07) so there's even more raunchiness lol. Please let me know what you think of his POV and I may need to try it again.


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I sighed as I stared up at the ceiling. Another sleepless night and another morning I woke up rock hard with Rachel on my mind. Fucking Rachel. This girl had me all twisted up inside. Even as I was going off on her last night, I still wanted to throw her over my shoulder and take her home...and make her mine.

I shifted uncomfortably just thinking about her and the way she looked last night. She looked good...too good. And I liked that she was checking me out, too. Obviously all my workouts were paying off. Maybe now she could quit acting like I'm some little boy. I needed to show her I'm a man.

Of course, I couldn't show her anything now because I yelled at her and then stalked off like a little bitch. Dammit! Why did she always make lose control? I nearly broke that little punk's hand last night when I had seen him touching my Rachel. And of course, she was the reason I didn't. She seemed to be the only one who could even attempt to calm me down when I lost my temper.

I guess I couldn't lay in bed all day sulking. My mom planned a big brunch for me today before I have to head back to the rez. I hated how I left things with Rachel, but there's no way to fix that now. Shit.

"Paul! Can you answer the door?" I had just finished getting ready and I needed to pack when my mom hollered at me.

"Tell Selena to get it!"

"She's busy!"

Shit. I hoped my mom hadn't invited any more of her friends over to meet me. I had been through that nonstop for the last five days. I yanked the door open to find, of all people, Rachel standing in front of me. "What the hell are you doing here?"

She blinked quickly, the small smile she had disappeared from her face at the sound of my voice. "I...just..." she had begun before backing away. For a moment I had thought she was really gonna take off.

"I'm sorry. You just surprised me," I quickly covered. I reached for her hand and held it mine as she stepped through the doorway tensely.

"Rachel!" I heard Selena exclaim as she pushed me aside and gave Rachel a warm hug. When Selena released her, she scowled at me. "Offer to take her coat, Paul."

When Rachel began to unbutton her jacket, I stepped behind her, slipping the garment from her shoulders. She turned her head slightly and whispered, "Thank you, Paul." I let my eyes roam over her as Selena chattered excitedly. She had on light gray leggings, a pale pink fuzzy sweater that bared one shoulder and hugged her curves, and knee high black leather boots. Damn.

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