22 - New Year, New Me

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I groaned when I caught my reflection in the mirror. Going to bed with my hair wet was not a good idea. As I started the shower water, my thoughts drifted back to last night. I sighed as I thought about Paul's magic hands. I was also proud of myself for being brave and going for it with Paul. The whole thing was nothing short of amazing.

If only Paul's ass of a father hadn't been here.

I don't know what he said to Paul, but it sure put him in a foul mood. Luckily our shower had cheered him up a bit. I still wished that Paul would talk to me about his father. Their relationship seemed to be his Achilles heel. And all I wanted was for Paul to be happy.

I was drying my hair in the bathroom by the time he finally woke up. He ducked under the blast of hot air when he passed by me. I glanced over to see him shaking off his dick and flushing the toilet.

"Jesus, Paul. Boundaries?"

"I had to piss and you were hogging the bathroom," he reasoned, while nudging me over to get to the sink.

When I switched off the dryer and brushed out my hair, I found him staring at me. "What's wrong?"

Paul gave me a dreamy smile as leaned against the sink with his hip. He reached for my hair, twisting some between his fingers. "You are really beautiful."

"Oh stop," I told him as I squeezed past him on my way to his room.

He followed me eagerly, spinning me around to face him when I reached into my suitcase for some clothes. I already had a bra and panties on, much to Paul's dismay. He was already trying to unhook my bra.

"No, no, no, Mr. Naughty." I scolded, twisting out of his embrace.

Paul flopped back on his bed, tucked his hands behind his head and pouted. "Why does it look like you're getting ready to go somewhere?"

I slipped a red sweater over my head and scowled at him. "I told you I had to go to Sue Clearwater's for lunch today."

He groaned overdramatically. "Do we really have to go?"

I looked up from buttoning my jeans to find Paul doing a sexy pose on the bed and I nearly choked. "I thought we'd go for round two...I think I still owe you an orgasm."

I covered my mouth and tried to stifle a giggle. "Um...we really need to go soon. I don't think we have time."

"It won't take that long..."

"Oh somehow I doubt that," I smirked.

"It didn't take you that long to come last night..."

"Yeah and it probably would've been even quicker had you not spent all that time teasing me," I reminded him.

He smiled in that devilish way of his. "The teasing is what made it so good. That...and when you got forceful with me." He wagged his middle finger at me and then crooked it at me, urging me to join him on the bed.

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