3 - Bruised

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"So how do you know your dad and Jacob won't be back soon?"

"Because they went to Chief Swan's to watch some sports thing on TV. It'll be an all day event, like always."

"Billy's good friends with Charlie Swan?"

I nodded. "They have been for years." I led him into the kitchen and reached past him for the first aid kit in the cabinet. "Did you just sniff my hair?"

He laughed. "Ouch that hurts." He held his side and grimaced from the pain.

"You didn't answer my question."

He leaned forward, his nose just above my ear, and inhaled deeply. "Guilty. It smells like...coconut...and you."

Now I laughed. "Me? What do I smell like?"

"Sweet. Like the total opposite of what you really are."


"I'm joking! You know you're sweet, Rachel. At least you are to me."

I smiled at him. He's really cute when he's not hitting on me or being a smartass. "Take your shirt off."

His eyes opened wide. "Wow already? Can you buy me dinner first?"

And there's the smartass. "I bought your breakfast."

He nodded and slipped his t-shirt over his head. I checked the cuts and bruises on his body, my brow furrowed with concern. I cleaned and bandaged a few of the deeper cuts. It's bad. I can't even imagine how badly this hurt. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

He shrugged, refusing to make eye contact with me. "Not much to say. My dad is an angry bastard. He's never gotten over his divorce from my mom and he drinks...a lot."

I sighed. I hated thinking about this. I put the first aid kit away and grabbed a bag of peas from the freezer. "Put this on your eye, it looks bad."

He put it on his face and winced. I took the bag back and wrapped it in a kitchen towel. "Better?" I asked, holding it to his face.

He nodded and yawned. "Sorry. I was up most of the night."

"Come on."

He followed me to my room and I closed the door behind us. "What are we doing?" he asked.

"You should rest," I told him, nodding toward my bed.

"I can't do that."

"Why not?" I yawned and climbed onto my bed. "There's plenty of room."

He glanced around nervously. "Probably not a good idea."

Sometimes I forgot how young he really is. Or maybe I just wanted to forget. "It's not sex. Just a nap, no funny business."

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