12 - Calling

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“Hello?” Paul’s voice came through the line all gruff and groggy.

I glanced at my clock on the nightstand and cringed.  2:48 am  “It’s me.  Did I wake you up, baby?” I drawled and wondered if he could tell I was drunk.


“I miss you,” I blurted.

He paused and then sounding a little more awake, he asked, “Are you okay?”

I hummed and nodded, even though he can’t see me.  “Oh yeah...I feel really good.”


“Yeah, baby?”

“Have you been drinking tonight?” he sounded amused and not at all angry.

“Nooo...well yeah.  Me and Kira may have bought some tequila and we may have tried out the new blender, but that’s all.”

“So you’re drinking margaritas?”

“No not anymore,” I giggled.  “They’re all gone.”

“It’s a little early for our Sunday phone call, isn’t it?”

“Maybe...but I couldn’t wait.”  I laid the receiver down and started stripping out of my clothes.  “Too hot,” I grumbled when I got back on the line.

“Where’d you go?” he mused.

“Tequila makes me hot.  I just...had to get out of those clothes.”

I heard his breathing speed up.  “Are you naked?”

My chest tightened and I started to tingle.  “Nope...I got my panties on.”

He hummed and I heard him lick his lips.  “That’s good, Rach.  Real good,” he sighed.

“I could take them off,” I offered boldly, my words slurring a bit.

“Leave ‘em on,” he whispered, his voice low and gravelly.

“Do you want me?”

“Oh yeah...so bad.”

I smiled as I let the phone cradle on my shoulder and ran my hands over my body.  “I wish you were here to touch me.  You always make me feel so good.”

“Oh yeah?”  He paused and heard the hitch in my breath.  “Tell me what you’re doing,” he begged.

I whimpered and breathed,  “Touching myself, my breasts, pinching ...Oh God, my nipples.”

He cursed under his breath.  “Does that hurt?”

“Yeah...because they’re so...hard.”

Paul hummed.  “Like the day I licked them?” he asked, forcing me to squeeze my thighs together.

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