10 - Road Tripping

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When I returned home the next morning, I groaned at the sight of my room. Shit!  I never finished packing.  There were boxes scattered around, some half full and some empty.  Leave it to me to procrastinate until the last minute.  As I begrudgingly worked on the task at hand, my thoughts drifted back to Paul.  I slept so soundly in his arms for hours until my racing mind woke me up.

He gave me one amazing orgasm and I was thinking of ways for us to be together.  Damn him.  I watched him sleep, my fingers tracing his features as my brain churned.  Could I just go back to school after this summer and go through with all my plans like nothing ever happened?  I tried to make him mad with my accusations and I failed miserably.  I even considered packing him in one of my boxes and taking him to Seattle with me.  The thought made me chuckle.  How could I hide him from my new roommates?

As I lay next to him, I had considered all my options and finally decided just to leave...without saying goodbye.  I left a stupid note and lied about what time we had planned to leave.  I was a coward and imagining him showing up hours after we had already left, had made me want to throw up.  I knew he wouldn’t take it well.

So now I had to finish packing, wake up Jake and Dad and tell them we need to leave.  I finished my task and realized I have time to get a quick shower before we leave.  Afterwards, I glanced around, making sure I grabbed everything I want to take.  I noticed the t-shirt on the corner of the bed and realized that I can’t forget that.  I swiped it from Paul’s before I left and it will be going with me to Seattle.  I also discovered the cookie scent I had detected on Paul was gingersnaps.  Weird huh?  Under the decidedly male scent of him and the outdoorsy wood smell was the faintest scent of gingersnaps.  And now I will always associate that smell with Paul.

When I left my room and made my way through the house, I heard voices outside and I headed out the front door.  I saw Quil’s family Suburban sitting out front with Quil and Embry scrambling out of the backseat.  Embry noticed me on the ramp and smiled widely.  “Your chariot awaits!” he declared, hands gesturing in a game show model type of way.

“My what?”

“Surprise,” Jacob announced sheepishly as he approached me from behind.

“What’s going on?”

“We’re taking you to Seattle,” he declared before shoving a whole donut into his mouth.

“What’s wrong with the truck?”

“Not enough room,” he answered cryptically as he offered his friends a donut from the box in his hands.

“They’re going too?” I asked, motioning to Embry and Quil.

“Hey! You be nice...you’ve got your own moving crew here,” Quil said braggingly.

“Speaking of...let’s start grabbing those boxes,” Jake ordered as they grumbled and headed inside.  He turned to me and added, “Better tell Dad goodbye.”

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