Chapter 30

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"That was great, babe!" Harry says, giving a weak smile and pecking my cheek. I smile.


"You were amazing."

The other boys all congratulate me. Even Niall. I guess it's not that surprising. Niall does care about me, which I know. Which everyone knows.

"Well, I think I'll go change into sweatpants or something for the drive home. I'm really tired," I say, walking towards my dressing room. I really just wanted to get out of these shoes. They were strangling my feet to death. I kicked them off and let out a sigh of relief as I fell onto the couch.

"Knock knock." I look up and see Harry by the door. "Hey," he says.

"Hey," I say smiling.

"Can I talk to you?"

I give a confused look, but nod anyways, gesturing him over to sit next to me. He shuts the door behind him and looks at me, sitting on the other end of the long couch.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"Nothing's really...wrong. It's just, there's this thought that's been bugging me for a while now. I think I should ask you about it."

"Um, okay? What is it?"

"What would you do if Niall forgave you right now?"

I pursed my lips, staring at him. "What exactly do you mean?"

"I mean if Niall came into this room right now and basically said to forget about the whole cheating thing, that he's forgiven both of us, what would you do? Would you go back to him, or would you stay with me? I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but I really wish it wasn't true, so I'm asking."

I bite my lip. "I...I don't know."

Wrong answer to say to your boyfriend. I just didn't want to lie.

"That's reassuring," he says, rolling his eyes.

"Well, I'm sorry. I would probably stay with you, since you are my boyfriend and I do love you."

"You would crush Niall like that?" he asks in disbelief, raising an eyebrow.

"Would you hurt Niall like that?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"We aren't talking about me. We're talking about you."

"Not anymore. Now let's talk about you. What would you do if Niall forgave us now?"

"I would probably do every single thing I possibly could to make you stay with me, because I know you would want to run right back to him."

"You know, I'm not heartless. I care about your feelings too, not just Niall's. I wouldn't leave you just because he finally wants me again."

"Oh, he still wants you. That's definitely true. He's just a stubborn ass, which is fine by me, because I get you," he says, smirking and kissing my lips. I smile against the kiss. "I don't know how he stands this." His lips return to mine once he finishes his sentence.

"Stands what?" I ask, kissing him again.

"Having you love him, and rejecting you. I sure wouldn't be able to do it." I giggle. "You're too beautiful to ignore."

I couldn't help but think of that month span where he actually did ignore me because I chose Niall over him.

Huh. Funny stuff.

"And you're a liar." I smirk and lay down with my head in his lap. He played with my hair.

"I'm always honest."

I roll my eyes. "Sure."

"I am!" he says, smiling. I chuckle.

"Okay, okay. Just remember, even if he does decide to magically forgive me, you aren't getting rid of me that easy. I love you, Harry."

"I love you too," he says, kissing my nose. I heard a knock on the door, and Louis walked in. 

"Hey, Li wants to know what time you guys want to leave," he says, looking between me and Harry. I think he's still not used to the idea of his sister dating his band mates, even though he was the number one supporter of the idea at first. Maybe he's having second thoughts, but it's not like either of us can do anything about it now. 

"Whenever is good," I say. "Are you guys ready to leave now?" 

He shrugs. "It doesn't matter to me." 

I look up at Harry. "We can go I guess," he says to Louis. "If you want to," Harry says, talking to me now. 


I hop off his lap and he gets up too, taking my hand in his as we follow Louis out. Harry and I's conversation kept playing in my head. Why is he suddenly so worried about me going back to Niall? Will Niall ever forgive me? I feel like he's going to be ignoring me until I eventually go back to my parents in America, whenever that is.

My parents. They've been calling a lot recently, and I need to visit sometime. They're thinking of moving out here to support my career. That’s the reason I stayed longer than just the summer. I had a lot of work to do with the recording company in order to get my album out so quickly. My American parents also want to meet my birth parents in Doncaster. I miss them too and wouldn't mind going back for maybe a week or so just to escape Niall's cold attitude and hurt looks whenever he sees me and Harry in the same room together. It's heartbreaking to see him so sad. Then again, I'm sure he actually is a lot more heartbroken than I am. 

I miss him. I actually do wonder what would happen if he forgave me right now and asked for me back. I love him, but I love Harry too. I don't want to hurt either of them. 

I don't know why I'm so stressed over this now anyways. I mean, Niall hasn't really spoken to me since the incident. I've tried apologizing countless times and he still shows no sign of forgiveness. He's always going to hate me for what I did. 

There's nothing I can do to fix it now. 


Hey! So I hope this chapter is good(: I had this story on hold for awhile. I'm sorry, it's just that I had a bit of writers block. I was also writing three other stories at the time so I was kind of sidetracked, but now I'm back(: I'm also in the process of writing a new story called 'The Switch' so please check it out when you have time. Also, thank you for reading. Please vote or comment? (: Thank you poptarts<3 Love you.

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